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我们那儿是个小县份。Ours is a small county.

在弗里蒙特的那座?Over in Fremont County?

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县监狱囚犯搜索。Find County jail inmates.

肯特是英格兰的一个郡。Kent is an English county.

他来自一个贫困县。He came from a poor county.

潘是一个县的县令。Pan was a county magistrate.

县府驻赵州镇。Zhaozhou county in the town.

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他属于郡中豪绅阶层。He belongs to the county set.

在上海的青浦县。In Qingpu County of Shanghai.

安徽省肥西县卫生局。Health Bureau of Feixi county.

县政府驻金城镇。Town in the county government.

古田县吉友食物有限公司。Gutian County Ji Food Co. , Ltd.

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澧县历史悠久,人文古远。Lixian County has a long history.

本县境内主要有五条河流。The County has five major rivers.

偏关县辖镇。Pianguan County town jurisdiction.

全郡投票否决了该项议案。The county voted the measure down.

湖南省湘潭县人。Xiangtan County in Hunan Province.

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我是北京延庆县人。I'm from Yanqing County of Beijing.

你真的不在达克奇郡?。That you're not in Dutchess County?

我们的第一站是卡罗尔县。We stopped first in Carroll County.