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它是一种相互依赖的较量。It is an interdependent rivalry.

他说,目前三国经济上相互依赖程度日益加深。He said the three economies are getting increasingly interdependent.

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但这些依赖性的行为在美国人里看来是缺乏自信的。Howerver this interdependent behaviour can appear to Americans to lack confidence.

他用看似预言的方式,诊断出了我们相互依存的这个世界的弊病所在。He diagnosed many maladies of our interdependent world in ways that seem prescient.

这说明,这两个科学部门是相互依赖、互影响的。This shows that two science departments are interdependent and influent each other.

因为数字化技术在扩散,我们殷切希望各军种更好地相互依赖。We should expect the services to be more interdependent as digitization proliferates.

可见,萝卜小孢子的败育与内源激素平衡的破坏有关。The endogenous hormonal ratio was interdependent to the microspore abortion of radish.

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一组相交互、相关,或相互依赖的形成复杂整体的要素。A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.

独立自我构念和互依自我构念是两个独立的维度。Independent self-construal and interdependent self-construal are two separate dimensions.

应用连接——相互依赖的虚拟应用之间的自由流动通信。Application Link – Free-flowing communication between interdependent virtual applications.

书写和演讲是相互依赖的现象,它们有不同的功用。Writing and speech are interdependent and interrelated phenomena which do different things.

经过多年努力和积累,两国经济相互依存度越来越高。Thanks to years of mutual efforts, our two economies have become increasingly interdependent.

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只要术语正确,那么显然所有相关事物都是互相依赖的。When the terminology is thus correct, it is evident that all correlatives are interdependent.

通过供应链、原材料进口、售后服务等,各国之间的相互依存度已大大提高。Countries are far more interdependent through supply chains, imported inputs, and even services.

他们是相互依存的,由于不同的工作方式,他们经常会有问题。They are interdependent and frequently have problems because of their different ways of working.

不再把生活中的每个部分都看作独立的,而是开始把它们看作相互依存的。Instead of seeing each part of your life as independent, you begin to see them as interdependent.

文化是个涵盖面极广的概念,它与语言有着密不可分的联系。Culture, which covers a wide range of contents, has a close interdependent relation with language.

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我们的经济相互依存度高,而一场冲突从财务上来讲对我们双方是毁灭性的。Our economies are hugely interdependent and a conflict would be financially ruinous for both of us.

本文对这种互动机制进行了探讨,并以互动机制为依据建立了新的扩散描述模型。On account of this interdependent mechanism, this paper develops and discusses a new diffusional model.

第二,加强对相互依赖成年人的不同关系的种种价值的关注。Second, strengthen our focus on the myriad values of diverse relationships between interdependent adults.