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然而许多美国人对摩门教有所怀疑。Yet many Americans have doubts about Mormonism.

一些投票人因为罗姆尼是摩门教而放弃投票。Some voters are put off by Mr Romney’s Mormonism.

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摩门教犹他会解除了祭司与世俗者之间的区别。The Utah branch of Mormonism dissolves the distinctions between the priesthood and the laity.

正是这种对传教工作的重视,使得摩门教成为世界上发展最快的宗教之一。This missionary work has helped to make Mormonism one of the fastest-growing religions in the world.

这种精神是以摩门教的基本教义为基础的,但是它超越了宗教的限制,成为摩门人显著的特点。The spirit is based on the basic doxy of Mormonism and in fact becomes the prominent character of Mormons.

今天,主流基督教派别包括天主教,新教,东正教和摩门教等。Today, the major Christian branches include Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity, and Mormonism.

既有头脑又有相貌,这位候选人似乎不错,但他的摩门教出身加之变来变去的政策对许多人来说是个麻烦。Add brains and good looks, and you have a plausible nominee, though his Mormonism and his policy shifts are problems for many.

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十九世纪时美国发展出一些新的宗教,诸如摩门教、耶和华见证会以及基督教科学会等。The 1800s saw the development of several new American religions, such as Mormonism , Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Science.

1832年,一名歹徒在史密斯身上涂满焦油,并且裹以羽毛,导致美国基督徒与摩门教徒陷入旷日持久的争斗中。In 1832, a mob tarred and feathered him, marking the beginning of a long battle between Christian America and Smith’s Mormonism.

罗姆尼终于摆脱了摩门教的身份,该身份可能会造成2012年总统选举的一个潜在障碍,声称大多数选民已转移到别的话题上了。Romney has dismissed his Mormonism as a potential stumbling block to his 2012 campaign, saying most voters have moved on from it.

请问你们觉得摩门教的诗歌哪一些是很好听的?你们有人是摩门教友嘛?能够来帮我回答嘛?。Ask that you thought the mormonism poetry which some are very pleasant to hear?Your some people are the mormon church member?Can help me to reply?

教会建立不久,史密斯及其多数信徒迁到俄亥俄州的柯特兰,当地一位德高望重的教士西德尼·雷戈登及其信众均接受了摩门教义。Soon after the church's founding, Smith and the bulk of the members moved to Kirtland, Ohio, where a prominent preacher, Sidney Rigdon, and his following had embraced Mormonism.

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杰夫是耶稣基督末世圣徒原教旨教会的教主,该教会是主流摩门教的一个分支,认为多妻制会带来天堂般的福祉。Jeffs is ecclesiastical head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes polygamy brings exaltation in heaven.