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早年的经历会在下意识中埋入恐惧感。Early experiences can implant fears in the subconscious.

为什么所有潜意识里的防御者都枪法都这么烂?Why are all the subconscious mercenaries such bad shots?

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真相就是,你无法控制你潜意识里的茉儿。The truth that Mal is bursting through your subconscious.

传说中的永恒之地在你的潜意识里。Legend has it the eternal place in your subconscious Lane.

“我们在哪?”夏泉下意识的问道。"Where are we ?"The summer spring subconscious asks a course.

我猜想这在一定程度上是出于对永生的潜意识渴望。I suppose part of it is a subconscious desire for immortality.

在你的潜意识里,也存在的恋童倾向?There are also the paedophile tendencies in your subconscious?

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学会简单的技巧来加深潜意识的印象。Learn the simple techniques of impressing the subconscious mind.

或许在潜意识的层面上,我们认为我们能够做到。Perhaps on a subconscious level we were thinking we would do it.

所以,成也潜意识,败也潜意识。Therefore, as also the subconscious, also lost the subconscious.

对了,潜意识比有意识深入。Correct. The subconscious mind is deeper than the conscious mind.

这就是我的潜意识使我做到的——新想法层出不穷。And that is what my Subconscious does — it feeds me idea after idea.

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她对于梦及潜意识的研读对她的情绪智商有很大的帮助。Her study of dreams and the subconscious had improved her EQ greatly.

事实上,这样做意味着你有意无意的在盼望着你的另一半死。In reality, it’s a subconscious death wish for your significant other.

我们所认为的“自由意志”实际上是建立在潜意识的基础之上的。What we think of as "free will" is actually found in the subconscious.

潜意识和超意识中的思想的渗透也很明显。Bleeding in of subconscious and superconscious thoughts is also evident.

在任何投射中,潜意识头脑都在表面下沸腾。The subconscious mind simmers beneath the surface during any projection.

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这个步骤为行动做好了意识和潜意识的准备。This step prepares both your conscious mind and subconscious for action.

它向你的潜意识大脑发送了一条保持一天快乐的信息。It sends a message to your subconscious mind to be excited about the day.

但他不认为他的存在是一些别有用心的潜意识。But he doesn't think the presence was something his subconscious conjured.