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穿珠的细线就成为这一袭华衣的脉络。The thread to place beads becomes the venation of the gaudery.

本种容易通过它的十分特别的脉序来区分。This species is easily distinguished by its quite special venation.

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关注这种研究重点的转移,并以这一趋势作为综述的重要脉络。It focuses on the shifting and makes this trend as an important venation.

一种有效观察压膜化石细微叶结构特征的方法。An effective method of observing fine venation from compressed fossil leaves.

编写了中国云实属植物叶片脉序特征分种检索表。A key to the species of Caesalpinia based on leaf venation characters is presented.

第二章共分三节,主要论述信息技术与课程整合。First section is evolution venation of information technology curriculum integration.

见血飞亚属与云实亚属叶片脉序特征相似,属于同一自然类群。Leaf venation characters show that both Caesalpinia s. s. and Mezoneurum are in a natural group.

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该部分将根据亨廷顿文明冲突史观发展的逻辑脉络,从五个方面对该理论进行详细的阐述。This part will detailedly introduce this theory in five parts according to the logical venation of this theory's development.

基于比较形态学的研究,对蚁蛉前后翅脉序主干同源性进行了论证,提出了一套新的蚁蛉脉序命名系统。A new terminological scheme for the wing venation of Myrmeleontidae was proposed based on the comparative morphological study.

认为波普尔证伪主义与弗里德曼现代货币主义在经济学思想方法论上密切相关并一致。It thought Popper's falsifications was venation to the economic methodology in modern moneyism of Friedman and was accordance to it.

如何通过一条清晰的脉络建立市场营销策略,对保证企业的可持续发展至关重要。How to set up the marketing strategy through a clear venation is of critical importance for the sustainable development of an enterprise.

通过对美国黑人小说史上代表性作家及其作品的分析,揭示了美国黑人小说主题由控诉到抗议再到自省的发展脉络。The context opens out the headings of the American Negro novels to developmental venation or skeleton from the complain to the resistance.

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以区域性的美学研究个案,勾勒可能性较大的地缘性审美发生、发展的脉络。We should investigate the aesthetic territorial case area, draw the outline of the venation of the territorial aesthetic creation and development.

从旧、新石器时代到青铜时代、铁器时代,可以清晰地找到源流及其发展,演化的历史脉络。From the Old and New Stone Periods to Bronze and Iron Periods, we can find out their sources and historical venation of development and evolvement.

从1950年代美学大讨论拉开序幕至今,新中国美学理论以探索者的姿态坎坷走来,并且形成了自身的发展脉络。Aesthetic theory is presented as a pathfinder and formed its own venation in development with the beginning of aesthetic discussion in 1950s in China.

结果表明,后翅翅脉特征在该族内具有稳定性,在属间和种间不具稳定性,后翅翅脉特征在绿天牛族属级和种级中分类意义不大。The results show that the taxonomic importance of hind wing venation characters isn't stability in the genera level and species level in Callichromini.

传统的茶文化展示通常以实物和图版相结合,通过一定的茶文化发展脉络来展现。Traditional tea culture revelation is shown by combining practicality and pictures, as well as by exhibiting the developing venation of the tea culture.

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然后按时间发展的脉络和推动更新的主要动力将其更新模式进行分类,并分别进行总结和评价。Then, it classifies the renewal modes into three types according to time venation and main renewal motivity as well as concludes and estimates each type.

本文将传统的外部形态特征分类同后翅翅脉特征和雌雄性生殖器特征结合起来,对我国绿天牛族昆虫进行了初步的分类研究。The present work is not only based general on external morphology, but also on the characteristics of the hind wing venation and male and female genitalia.

取西方之长,补中国园林之短,沿着民族文化的文脉,以严谨的态度进行设计。By doing so, we could adopt the Western's advantages to correct the disadvantages of China garden and design precisely along national and cultural venation.