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我是德克斯特埃默森。This is dexter emerson.

我们活在希望之中。We live in hope Dexter.

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我们对彼此从没有什么期望。DEXTER We've never had expectations of each other.

我预定了本星期日的房间。我的名字叫德克斯特。I have reservation for this Sunday. My name is Dexter.

我预定了本星期日住的房间。我的名字叫德克斯特。I have reservations for this Sunday. My name is Dexter.

海报上的标语则称Dexter为“史上最杀手老爸”。The tagline calls Dexter the "world's most killer dad."

我对Dexter是否有人性有自己的看法。I have my opinions about whether or not Dexter is human.

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对新生荷斯坦犊牛心脏右心室结构进行了观测。The structure of ventriculus dexter was observed in Holstan newborn calf.

尼克会非常沮丧的时候德克斯特没有显示出特别的兴趣在他的著作。Nick gets very frustrated when Dexter shows no particular interest in his book.

德柯斯特是一个连环杀手,在迈阿密警察局任职。Dexter is a serial killer who lends his talent to the Miami Metro Police Department.

法兰有着稳定的影响力,她有令人惊奇的手法让家庭聚在一起。DEXTER Fran's a stabilising influence, and she has an amazing way of bringing the family together.

要开始追求,人类和精灵应该访问德克斯特在二楼的城堡不列颠在特拉梅尔。To begin the quest, humans and elves should visit Dexter on the second floor of Castle Britannia in Trammel.

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探索交互式视频一个虚构的,未来俄罗斯的城市,空气德克斯特出租车是新形式的交通基础。Explore an interactive video based on a fictional, futuristic Russian city, where Dexter air-taxi is the new form of transport.

那年年底,金辞去了德克斯特的职务并返回亚特兰大,和他的父亲共同成为一名埃比尼泽浸信会牧师。Later that year, King resigned from Dexter and returned to Atlanta to become co-pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church with his father.

早期的制作笔记曾设定德克斯特和赫敏是夫妻,但最后这个主意还是被放弃了。Early production notes once suggested that Dexter and Hermione were husband and wife, though that direction was eventually abandoned.

发挥博物馆后卫拉里或德克斯特猴在正式比赛的电影!哄冒险等待你的手机!Play as the museum guard Larry or Dexter the monkey in the official game of the film! A hilarious adventure awaits you on your mobile!

我想这一季有趣的地方在于也许Dexter会被自己所吸引,但他不一定能找到自我。I think that a part of the fun of this season is the situation that maybe Dexter attracts to himself, but doesn't necessarily seek out.

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他的两名子女将自己的兄弟德克斯特告上法庭,指控他胡乱操作父母遗产基金的款项,并拒绝出示有关文件。The lawsuit claims that Dexter King, the estate's administrator, has mishandled funds and refused to provide his 2 siblings with documents.

科瑞塔最终成为一个牧师的夫人,并且她的声音远远超出了得科撒斯-阿伊纽大教堂的大门。Coretta eventually took on the duties of a pastor"s wife, and a calling that reached far beyond the doors of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church."

博士说,对着一个普通的纸袋子呼吸能消除因剧烈呼吸而产生的偏头痛。According to Dr. Selwyn Dexter, breathing into an ordinary paper bag can get rid of migraine headaches caused by hyperventilation. Selwyn Dexter.