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椅子上坐着一位戴眼镜的老绅士。There' a bespectacled seniors gentleman sitting on the chair.

椅子上坐着一位戴眼镜的老绅士。There's a bespectacled senior gentleman sitting on the chair.

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她的同事法拉克,一个戴着眼镜的四个母亲,使同样的要求。Her co-worker Falak, a bespectacled mother of four, makes the same request.

哈利·波特这个戴眼镜的小男巫创造了他迄今为止最大的电影票房奇迹。The bespectacled boy wizard has worked his biggest box-office magic to date.

哈里波特这个戴眼镜的小男巫创造了他迄今为止最大的电影票房奇迹。The bespectacled boy wizard has worked his biggest box-office magic to date.

热情的笑容浮现在哈肯戴着眼镜的脸上,但他不能招手致意或者回答问候。A huge smile lights up Hawking's bespectacled face, but he cannot wave or shout back.

其他人看来则为能在银幕上最后一次看到这位戴眼镜的魔法师而松了一口气。Others seem relieved just to see the bespectacled magician appear on screen one last time.

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但白发苍苍、戴眼镜的老奶奶并无悔意,并表示她会持续用大麻烹饪。The white-haired bespectacled granny was unrepentant and said she would keep cooking with pot.

这位嗓音沙哑,带着眼镜的交易员很爱笑,不过他手下说老板生气时很快就满面怒容。The husky, bespectacled trader laughs easily, but employees say hecanquickly turnon themwhenhe'sangry. Mr.

我到访的那天,看见一个戴眼镜的比利时男人正坐在一张面对着一堆骨头的长桌子的边上。On the day I visit, a bespectacled Belgian man sits at one end of a long table in front of a pile of bones.

门外头的人戴副眼镜,头发花白,形同幽灵,是楼下开店铺的捷克老爷爷,专卖动物标本的。The door opened on the bespectacled face of the grizzled, spooky old Bohemian from the taxidermy shop downstairs.

出纳问这个带着眼镜,皮肤白晳,手上满是皱纹的老人,“你在开玩笑吗?”" the teller asked the bespectacled man with nearly translucent skin and wrinkled, knotted hands. "Are you kidding?

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“你是什么意思呀?”出纳问这个带着眼镜,皮肤白晳,手上满是皱纹的老人,“你在开玩笑吗?”"What do you mean?" the teller asked the bespectacled man with nearly translucent skin and wrinkled, knotted hands. "Are you kidding?"

不过,分析家们还是认为盖茨戴着眼镜的书呆子形象已是微软整体形象的一部分,而他的离开是有标志意义的。Still, Gates's bespectacled nerdish visage is an integral part of Microsoft's image and his departure is symbolic, according to analysts.

一位站在摄像头背后,汗流浃背,带着眼镜的农民说,所有的蛇都浮出水面爬到树上。A sweating, bespectacled farmer who was standing behind the camera said that all the snakes had come out of the water and climbed into the trees.

一天他获悉了Zawahiri出现了健康问题,然后很快地这个留着胡须、戴着眼镜的恐怖分子领导人就站在了他面前。One day he learned that Zawahiri’s health was slipping, and soon afterward the bearded, bespectacled terrorist leader was standing in front of him.

不过,分析家们还是认为盖茨戴着眼镜的书呆子形象已是微软整体形象的一部分,而他的离开是有标志意义的。Still, Gates's bespectacled nerdish visage is one integral part of Microsoft's picture and his departure is symbolic, louboutin, along to analysts.

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他是一个瘦小的,有着一头黑发的带眼镜的男孩,尽管看起来有一点营养不良,他在过去的一段时间中也长高了许多。He was a skinny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who had the pinched, slightly unhealthy look of someone who has grown a lot in a short space of time.

通常,圣诞老人被描绘成一个亲切和善、大腹便便、兴高采烈、戴着眼镜的老人。他穿着一套装饰有白色皮毛的红衣服,胡子又白又长。Conventionally, Santa Claus is portrayed as a kindly, round- bellied , merry, bespectacled old man in a red suit trimmed with white fur, with a long white beard.

在困惑的警察注视下,一名戴著眼镜的男子脱得只剩内裤和袜子,另外几名精力充沛的女士们则迅速脱掉上衣,只穿著胸罩走上街头。As bemused police looked on, a bespectacled man stripped to his briefs and socks, while a couple of lively ladies whipped off their tops and paraded in their bras.