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当旋风把我的大旗张扬。When the whirlwinds my banner unfurl.

记忆,从指南山麓延伸!Fond memories unfurl from the foot of Nanshan!

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我看见一丝光亮,些许恩泽,稍微绽放的信念。I see a light, little grace, little faith unfurl.

外面,花朵充满了遍布首都的宣传海报。Outside, the flowers unfurl on posters across the capital.

当“水手3号”升入太空时本应该展开太阳能电池板。When Mariner 3 reached space, it was supposed to unfurl solar panels.

水手必须扬帆冲浪,但令船航行的,却是风。The sailor must unfurl the sails, but it's the wind that moves the ship.

我们还将继续定期公布超级代表们对奥巴马的正式认可。We're going to continue to unfurl these endorsements on a regular basis.

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你从一个金属管子里展开一个瑜伽垫,这个金属管子实际上是个立体音响。Imagine a yoga mat you unfurl from a metal tube that’s actually a stereo.

士兵可以摊开一块塑胶,上面显示了即时的战情地图。A soldier might unfurl a sheet of plastic showing a real-time situation map.

该环保组织七名成员调动了这辆270英尺高的起重机来展开横幅。Seven members of the environmental group scaled the 270-foot crane to unfurl the banner.

这种有机玻璃桶可以让工作人员在展示和拍摄标本的同时,避免标本长时间暴露在空气中。The tub allowed workers to unfurl and photograph specimens without exposing them to air for long.

2008奥运景观雕塑方案征集大赛入选艺术精品展。The exposition will unfurl 2008 Olympic Landscape Sculpture Designs Contest Selected Artworks Exhibition.

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如果给下级下达任务,请将它打印在A1纸上,放在每个人的桌子上,避免和其它A4纸混杂。Fig3. Print tasks on A1 and unfurl it on every junior's desk to avoid being messed with loads of existed A4s.

它将会在真空中展开4个闪闪发光的三角帆,除此而外就再没有什么东西了。There in the vacuum it will unfurl four triangular sails as shiny as moonlight and only barely more substantial.

清楚雇主的需要,表现出自己对公司的价值,展现你适应环境的能力。Make sure what the employer needs. Show your value to the company and unfurl your capacity to adapt the environment.

一旦看过这部电影,在很多年里它都会萦绕在你的脑海,无论何时你撑开你的雨伞都会想起它。Once seen, it's a film that quicksteps round your brain for years to come, remembered whenever you unfurl your brolley.

父亲偶尔会展开他那可爱的旧丝绸祈福毯祈福,但我们每个周日都会在外婆的大天主教堂里做弥撒。My father would occasionally unfurl his lovely old silk prayer rug, but every Sunday we attended mass at my maternal grandmother’s enormous Catholic church.

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之后它就变成了一种中古世纪的战袍,我们把它们捆起带到祭坛,在那展开成为典礼的背景幕。Then it was to become a kind of medieval coat of arms, which we were to carry folded to the altar where we would unfurl it into a backdrop for the ceremony.

三名男子违反安全靠近工地的古奥林匹亚不愿透露姓名的旗帜,要求抵制的奥运会,并喊口号,谴责中国的人权纪录。Three men breached security around the site of ancient Olympia to unfurl a flag demanding a boycott of the Olympics and shout slogans denouncing China's rights record.

展示你勤奋工作追求团体目标的能力,大多数主考人都希望找一位有创造力、性格良好,能够融入到团体之中的人。Unfurl your capacity to work hard and to pursue the goal of teamwork. Most main interviewers hope to find a person who is original, kind and easy to integrate into a team.