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网友把陈丽天称为“流氓教师”。The netizen calls Chen Li day " scampish teacher ".

首先我们要明白什么是流氓病毒,流氓软件。Above all we should understand what is scampish virus, scampish software.

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流氓软件与后门木马,私自为用户安装很多流氓软件。Scampish software and postern trojan, privately installs a lot of scampish software for the user.

流氓软件泛滥的原因之一,就是很多企业购买流氓软件开发者的广告。One of reasons with scampish flush software, it is the ad that a lot of enterprises buy scampish software developer.

那本篇预警播报中的这个恶意程序则是流氓软件中的“另类”了。That an early-warning this baleful program in sowing a newspaper is scampish software is medium " additional kind ".

当时,奇虎刚一推出产品,即列出一张包括121款软件在内的流氓软件名单。At that time, strange Hu Gang rolls out a product, list one piece includes 121 software namely inside scampish software list.

但若是大规模地盗用用户注册信息进行流氓式的广告推广,那就有问题了。But if embezzle large-scaly, the advertisement that the user registers information to have scampish type is popularized, that has a problem.

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“流氓燕”听听这个ID号,就能琢磨出这个女人的不顾一切的裸露嗜好和她多么强烈的性意识。" Scampish swallow " hear this ID name, can consider a fling caution to the winds bare hobby of this woman and she how intense gender consciousness.

红色沙发靠背后懒懒的猫咪、电视机旁的流氓兔,无一不让房间的局部布满可爱的时尚气息。After gules sofa back of a chair lazy the scampish hare by lazy feline Mi, television, without what do not allow a room local be full of lovely fashionable breath.

从那时起,360督导委员会就一直与360安全卫士一起,致力于打击人人痛恨的流氓软件。Thenceforth rises, 360 superintend and director guide committee all the time with 360 safe bodyguard together, devote oneself to to hit the scampish software that everybody abhors.

与垃圾短信干扰人们生活一样,互联网上的垃圾信息、垃圾邮件、流氓软件也在影响着人们正常使用网络。With interference of rubbish short message people lives same, mail of the rubbish information on Internet, rubbish, scampish software also is affecting people to use a network normally.