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一支运动队包括四名队员和一名摄像师。A team consists of 4 competitors and 1 videographer.

另外在前排就坐的还有摄影师和电视录像制作人。Also in the front row were the photographer and videographer.

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罗杰是一位摄影师,也是历史影片制片人。And Roger is the videographer and the producer of the history videos.

本论文的研究在于,为手机影视节目设计制作提供一套完整、可用的理论。The purpose of this paper is provide a complete, available designed theory for mobile videographer.

谁的女摄影师对旅游已被宣布不打算再与他一起旅行。The female videographer who had been on the announcement tour was not going to travel with him again.

三个警官坐在坐在我对面,并且警方的摄影师继续从每个角度给我们录像。Three police officers sat across from me, and the police videographer continued to film us from every angle.

三位警察坐在我对面,那位摄像的警察继续从各个角度拍摄我们。Three police officers sat across from me, and the police videographer continued to film us from every angle.

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在这免费视频拍摄您的意见从专业摄影师和摄像师自己的照片海报。Make your own photo poster with advice from a professional photographer and videographer in this free video on photography.

了解如何您的照片,年龄从专业摄影师,在这个自由摄影师的摄影技巧视频。Learn how to age your photograph with tips from a professional photographer and videographer in this free video on photography.

减少从专业摄影师,在这个自由摄影师对摄影的影片与帮助下,你的照片MB的大小。Reduce the MB size of your photo with help from a professional photographer and videographer in this free video on photography.

如果你是更投入的游戏或影像玩家,你将需要配备四核处理器和更强劲的显卡的高端台式机。You'll need a high-end desktop with a quad-core processor and an even more powerful graphics card only if you're a serious gamer or videographer.

"飞翔是最典型的例子,"来自加拿大的网页设计者兼电视录像制作人Gringas说,"当你意识到正做一个清晰的梦时,便开始起飞翱翔。""Flying is the most classic example," said Gringas, a Web designer and videographer from Canada. "When you realize you're having a lucid dream, you just take off and fly!"

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检察官司指出,爱德华兹违反了竞选金融法,使用了本该上报为竞选捐款的钱,用于掩盖他与一个竞选摄影师的婚外情。Prosecutors say Mr. Edwards violated campaign finance laws, using money that should have been reported as campaign donations to cover up his affair with a campaign videographer.

于是我便必须在律师办公室里对着法庭书记员和摄像员作证,Burst.com辩护律师的发问让人感觉很糟,足足长达十个小时。Then I had to make a deposition in front of a court stenographer and videographer at a lawyers’ office. The questioning by the Burst legal counsel there was tough, ten hours of it.

比方说,你是一个人身伤害检察工作,以制定一个摄影师视频纪录片描述如何将客户的生活发生了变化,由于受伤。Let's say you're a personal injury attorney working with a videographer to develop a video documentary that portrays how your client's life has changed as a result of being injured.

我们邀请她到办公室,给了她一个扩音器和吉他,并带来了一个摄影师让她在30秒内分享了一个关于问题吉他英雄的故事。We invited her into the office, gave her an amp and an electric guitar, brought in videographer and had her do this thing called 30 second shred as part of the issue's Guitar Hero story.