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这我知道,后来呢?I know. But afterwards?

之后他到国外去了。Afterwards he went abroad.

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她后来又写了一封信。She wrote a letter afterwards.

后来我很后悔I was kicking myself afterwards.

然后他们涉水渡过了小溪。They forded the stream afterwards.

我们之后会调查一下你们。We are going to test you afterwards.

PGL将随后处理的内存。PGL will handle the memory afterwards.

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我会告诉你后来发生的事的。I’ll tell you what happened afterwards.

此问题随后会很快得到解决。This issue was rectified soon afterwards.

我于是让一只蚂蚁去接近它们。Afterwards I allowed an ant to visit them.

最后如果你愿意的话可以删除symlink。Afterwards delete the symlink if you want.

开车送他去工作,然后又接他回来。Drive him to work, pick him up afterwards.

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我的耳朵之后几个小时还嗡嗡响。My ears were ringing for hours afterwards.

之后没多久比拉艾本人就出现了。Soon afterwards Bilaal appeared in person.

不过我们没有收到任何结果。We did not receive any results afterwards.

他经常先斩后奏。He always acts first and reports afterwards.

之后不会再有任何东西。There won't be anything that's me afterwards.

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之后,我们手牵手散了一小会儿步。Afterwards we strolled hand in hand for a bit.

嗣后,你可以逛一下附近的动物园。Afterwards you can go to the neighbouring zoo.

嗣后,你可以逛一下四周的动物园。Afterwards you can go to the neighbouring zoo.