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我们会议室在最高层,二十三层。Our boardroom is up on the twenty-third floor.

浦鲁马的外表不会符合现代会议室的要求。Brummel's look would not pass muster in a modern boardroom.

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带点小饼干到会议室然后为来年做计划。Bring some cookies into the boardroom and work on plans for next year.

四顾一下大多数的董事会,很可能在座的每个人都是男性。Look around most boardroom tables and the odds are that everyone there is male.

他们可能需要这种戏剧性的场面,来活跃董事会枯燥的气氛。Perhaps they need the drama to enliven the sterile atmosphere of the boardroom.

从会议室到巴里奥,球员们技能和风采被大家所钦佩。From the boardroom to the barrio, players are admired for their skill and grace.

如果我问她有关某个公司的事,她通常刚在其董事会上谈完战略。If I ask her about a company, she's usually been in the boardroom talking strategy.

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惠普应该摆脱董事会纷争,并在现代软件行业中找到自己的定位。HP needs to get beyond boardroom scuffles and define itself in the modern software world.

在董事会一片争吵声中他们炒了唐夏的鱿鱼。At any rate, they are letting Mr Dangeard depart this week amid a row over boardroom jobs.

许多女子也认为,出得了厅堂的男人,总比只能呆在卧房里的男人强。Many women would agree that one good man in the boardroom is better than two in the bedroom.

写字台、私人办公室、甚至是会议室,这里一应俱全。Writing desks are available, as is a private office and a boardroom for last-minute powwows.

一直以来,惠普经受着诸多问题的困扰,例如董事会丑闻、管理层震荡和缺乏明确的领导层。HP has been plagued by boardroom scandals, executive shuffles and a lack of clear leadership.

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他正直的性格和领导能力的缺乏每次都使他在节目中不堪一击。His integrity, and poor leadership leave him vulnerable every time he goes into the boardroom.

当他绕过会议桌跟我握手时,他突然跟我说再见,这让我感到很意外。As he walked around the boardroom table to shake my hand, I surprised him with an unexpected goodbye

多数人毫不怀疑会议室里存在种族主义——也不怀疑这一问题需要关注。The majority is in no doubt that there is racism in the boardroom – that in itself demands attention.

但是董事会的权力争夺、股东法律争议,甚至是同族竞争都不过是资本主义的内容。But boardroom fights, shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism.

许多德国选民都将阿克曼和德意志银行视为无节制的资本主义和贪婪的象征。Many German voters view Mr. Ackermann and Deutsche Bank as symbols of raw capitalism and boardroom greed.

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我们有82家公司在实施全方位可持续性措施方面建立了伙伴关系,从董事会会议室直至文件打印室。We have 82 companies that are partners in integrating sustainability from the boardroom to the copy room.

女性的福相为长人中、高额头和舒展的眉形。Women with long philtrums, high foreheads and flared eyebrows could also be set for boardroom domination.

许多德国选民都将阿克曼和德意志银行视为无节制的资本主义和贪婪的象征。Many German voters view Mr. Ackermann and Deutsche Bank as symbols of raw capitalism and boardroom greed. Mr.