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你是一个新的浮子患者?Are you a new floater sufferer?

我从不曾是一个真正的受难者,除非是在我自己的过错中受难。and I am never a real sufferer but by my own fault.

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世界上患早衰症的人最老的活了26岁。The oldest sufferer of a similar condition lived to the age of 26.

尽管我们不会和不幸者一样感到痛苦,但是我们会同情他的恐惧。We sympathize with the fear, though not with the agony of the sufferer.

治疗脚病有独特方法方式,使患者无痛苦并迅速康复!Use the particular cure of chiropody, so, lighten suffering of sufferer.

在一些案例中,患者千方百计切断他们自己的脚或手臂。In some cases, the sufferer has gone so far as to amputate their own limbs.

这个人得的是鸡眼,先生,他臀部根本没什么问题。The man is a sufferer from corns, gentlemen, and has no hip trouble at all.

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医院用仪器治疗患者的骨密度。Hospital uses a instrument to treating sufferers density of bone of sufferer.

这种症状的患者总是对那些逐渐逼近的死亡气息感到恐惧。The sufferer in this case is constantly afraid of the looming shadow of death.

作为一个患者或者是支持患者的人,你并不孤独。As a sufferer or as a supporter of someone with this illness, you are not alone.

麻疹患者通常高烧,并且皮肤上有小红点。The sufferer of measles usually has a high fever and small red spots on the skin.

组织工程的出现为软骨疾病患者带来了希望。Tissue engineering techniques is new resolvent of sufferer form cartilage lesion.

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我院收治一例罕见的青少年脊柱神经母细胞瘤的患者。There is a multiple neuroma of the spine's sufferer who is a callan in our hospital.

如果对歌词很熟悉,那么这个中风患者读起来就更容易。And if the lyrics are familiar the stroke sufferer finds it even easier to speak them.

最后这只痛得发疯的狮子狗越出了跑道,跳到主人的怀里。At last the frantic sufferer sheered from its course, and sprang into its master's lap.

避开苦难忘却自我,是受难者陶醉其间的乐趣。Intoxicating joy is it for the sufferer to look away from his suffering and forget himself.

当你希望讲话时,那个可怜的家伙控制不了自己舌头的那种无序状态。Loquacity is a disorder which renders the sufferer unable to curb his tongue when you wish to talk.

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患者可能会抱怨这些明显的睡眠中断,也可能对此一无所知。The sufferer may complain of marked sleep disruption, or may not be aware of their presence at all.

许多地区都面临未解决的困境,使他们处于水深火热中,这里恰恰成为异端势力的乐土。The sufferer regions facing unresolved predicaments have become thriving breeding lands of miscreants.

伴随这种病症最常见的麻烦是,不能在患者的皮肤上缝针。Avery common complication is the skin's inability to hold stitches if the sufferer happens to needthem.