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记住你的罪名是“危害国家安全”罪。The accusal is "harm the security of body politic".

刚一打起来他就想到还是走为上策。When the fight begin, he think it politic to leave.

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战斗伊始,他就想到走为上策。When the fight began, he thought it politic to leave.

不谈政治…花莲真是个生活的好地方。Hualien still the best place to live expect the politic issue.

他现在已经改造过来了?你干嘛非得翻他的政治老帐呢?Why did you have to rake up his politic past?He's a reformed character now.

少数民族经济学是民族学恢弘体系的重要组成部分或分支新学科。There is no pure ethnic economic relation, neither pure cultural or politic relation.

这是一种经常反复出现的修辞,这个国家的政治体系是有潜在的危险的。This is a recurring rhetoric, this notion that there is a cancer in the body politic.

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下午的课是我们在高中就学过的政治课。The afternoon class is about the politic class, which we have learned in our high school.

这一次,他们的政治斗争扰乱了南韩和日本间的练习战。This time, the politic struggle disturbed the training war between South Korea and Japan.

但是仇外的意识从未真正在任何多族裔政体中被清除。But the virtue of xenophobia is never really extinguished in any multiethnic body politic.

引进外来移民是俄罗斯摆脱人口危机的现实途径之一。Russia has been experiencing profound politic and economic crisis and severe population crisis.

本文分析了影响闻一多政治抉择的四方面原因。The four directions causes that affect Wen Yiduo's politic chosen has been analysed in this text.

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对腐败控制战略的设计和选择与一个时代政治经济背景密切相关。The selection of the strategy of the anti-corruption is linked to the economic and politic background.

张东荪是一位笃信民主主义并对民主主义有过深刻研究的思想家。He believed that democracy was not only a kind of politic system, but also an "entity of civilization".

科里奥南纳斯的命运见证了政治体中人类武装与城邦的长期紧张关系。Coriolanus' fate suggests this perennial tension between the city and the manly arm of the body politic.

公民的政治参与是发展社会主义民主政治的应有之意。Politic participations of the civil is the necessary content in developing socialistic democratic politics.

评论专栏是新闻评论从严肃的政治圣坛上走下来,走进普通百姓生活的一个重要形式。Comment is an important expression of news comment entering common people's life from strictly politic life.

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以相似的方式,政治体摹拟了人体,由不同种类的类似元素决定。In like manner, the body politic mimicked the human body in being dominated by various kinds of similar forces.

在国内,一些知名企业也是“防御性品牌策略”的坚定实施者。In home, a few well-known companies also are " defence sex brand is politic " the person that carry out sturdily.

本研究发现,外在政治经济影响着拉祜族祭祀的形式和内容,使之发生变迁。This research finds that , both politic and ecomony have changed the form and content of Lahu people's sacrifice.