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不要外包你不能内部管理的工作。Don't outsource what you can't manage in-house.

如果你没有足够的周转资金去外包?What If You Don’t Have the Cashflow To Outsource Yet?

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将没什么附加值的HR部分外包或自动化。Outsource or automate the non-value adding part of HR.

为什么公司踊跃地将其现金管理外包?Why are companies flocking to outsource their cash management?

抑或,我们把能源产业让与中国、俄罗斯和沙特?Or, do we want to outsource it to China, Russia and Saudi Arabia?

如果美国公司不能再把工作外包给中国,一些CEO的奖金就泡汤了。If the US corps can't outsource to China, the CEO's bonuses will dry up.

处理邮件的事你可以申请外援,不必亲自劳神。Rather than dealing with your mail yourself, you can outsource the task.

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确定你最善于做的是什么——将其它事委派或外包给别人做。Figure out what you are very good at doing--delegate or outsource the rest.

下确定的评论最擅长干的是什么――将其他事委派或中包给外作。figure out what you are very good at doing--delegate or outsource the rest.

总而言之,如果你把这项工作外包给别人做,那么对所有人都比较有利。In all, it would better for everyone if you outsource the job to someone else.

没有布什政府操纵外包给意大利奥古斯塔海运公司吗?。Didn't the Bush administration outsource Marine One to the Italian company Augusta?

Kitch说,许多人相信他们必须将网站的搭建工作外包给网页设计师。Kitch says many people believe they have to outsource to web designers to build their site.

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你没有必要为了更高效而把你工作的一部分外包出去或者委托出去。You don't necessarily need to outsource or delegate parts of your work to be more effective.

她还暂定将其交给外包处理,并把过程的选择权交给承包人。She had tentatively decided to outsource it and leave the choice of process to the contractor.

而且,如医助、护士和抽血师之类的岗位是不可能有“外包”人员的。What's more, jobs like medical assistant, nurse, and phlebotomist are impossible to outsource.

Inouye很快指出,你不能只是外包出去就撒手不管了。Inouye is quick to point out that you can’t just outsource and wash your hands of the activity.

业务外包俨然已成为当下的时尚之举,大到制造业,小到子女抚养,似乎一切皆可外包,但如果有人说约会也可以外包,你会怎么想?We outsource everything from manufacturing to child-rearing, so why not our online-dating life?

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传统的IDM外包趋势与中国半导体封装产业的机遇?The Trend of IDM Outsource and Opportunities for China Semiconductor Packaging & Testing Companies.

或者考虑一个公司决定外包他们业务中的某些不具备核心竞争力的那些部分。Or consider a company deciding to outsource some part of its business that is not a core competency.

原因有很多人的行为粗暴滥用或顾问时,他们正试图外包。There are many reasons why people act abusively or rudely to consultants when they're trying to outsource.