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每次余震都让李女士心有余悸。Every aftershock terrifies Ms. Li.

我们刚刚感觉到了余震。We're feeling an aftershock right now, Kiran.

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气象厅还报告了不久之后的一场小规模余震。It also reported a smaller aftershock shortly after.

珀特说美国地质勘探局没有发布余震预报。Potter said the USGS does not issue aftershock predictions.

电影里那碧波荡漾的洪湖,在现实中却是那样平凡!The aftershock of waves in the movie is so average in fact.

本文首先研究了主余型强烈地震余震的预测问题。Firstly, the aftershock prediction for major-after shocks is studied.

同时,那个城市星期五早上又有强烈余震发生。Meanwhile, that city was jolted early Friday by another strong aftershock.

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此次地震没有明显的前震,并且余震连续不断地发生。No foreshock emerged before the earthquake, and its aftershock kept up for a long time.

一些不被注意的破坏可能会导致火灾,余震之后掉落的碎片会砸伤人。Unnoticed damage could lead to fire or injury from falling debris during an aftershock.

余震过后,看着一个个惊魂未定的孩子们,我们更加意识到我们的任务有多重。After the aftershock , looked at a rocky children, we have become more aware of our task.

但余震震级大于主震,这实属罕见,虽然之前也听说过。It is rare, though not unheard of, to have an earthquake followed by a larger aftershock.

在余震不断中,中华民族的脊梁如钢筋铁柱般岿然屹立!!!But in the new strong aftershock , Chinese nation's back like iron who stands as usual! ! !

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冷却水注入越多,围阻体就更容易在遇到大的余震的时候破裂。The more water in the structures, the more easily a large aftershock could rupture one of them.

该结果对主震和最大余震的预测具有一定的参考价值。This result has a certain reference value for forecasting of main shock and the maximum aftershock.

对用科里奥利力效应预测余震最大强度的某些问题进行了讨论。Some problems about the biggest aftershock prediction by the Corioli force effect have been discussed.

青川南部的绵阳市一位店主说他的小店在余震的时候发出吱吱嘎嘎的响声,大家都跑出去了。A store keeper in MianyangCity, south of Qingchuan, said his store creaked in the aftershock and everyone fled.

在政府警告将有一个可能发生的大余震后,数万人离开了自己的家。Tens of thousands of people rushed from their homes after the government warned of a possible major aftershock.

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青川南部的绵阳市一位店主说他的小店在余震的时候发出吱吱嘎嘎的响声,大家都跑出去了。A store keeper in Mianyang City, south of Qingchuan, said his store creaked in the aftershock and everyone fled.

规模5.3余震袭击四川工人准备外流湖经过长期专门挖渠道。A magnitude 5.3 aftershock hit Sichuan as workers prepared to drain the lake through a long specially-dug channel.

有人亲眼看见克日斯特彻奇教堂的人像尖顶在一次余震中倒塌。Witnesses told of watching the spire of the iconic Christchurch Cathedral come crashing down during an aftershock.