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通灵之人为什么还要问你的姓名呢?Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?

特别献给加利福尼亚心灵诊所的顾客!Special Offer for Our California Psychics Customers!

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特别献给加利福尼亚心灵诊所的顾客!A Special Offer for Our California Psychics Customers!

我们有时会收到观众来信询问通灵人是否真实存在。Sometimes we get letters here asking whether psychics are for real.

联邦调查局也需要一个心理学专家,他们找到了慕尔德特工。The feds also need someone who's an expert in listening to psychics.

但是,军方并不满足于仅用超自然力搜集情报。But the military was not content to use psychics merely to gather intelligence.

我还在那里为加利福尼亚心理诊所的读者们一份特殊惊喜。I've even got a SPECIAL SURPRISE just for California Psychics readers when you get there.

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联邦调查局也需要一个心理学专家,他们找到了慕尔德特工。The feds also need someone who's an expert in listening to psychics . They need Agent Mulder.

古老的预言确实描绘了这样的景象,直至今天你们心中还携带着它。It is true that ancient prophesies paint such a picture, and even today psychics pick up on it.

做到这一步最好是自然而然的,于是,军方转而向特异功能功力最强的人求助。It was only natural, then, for the military to turn to their most accomplished psychics for help.

在伊丽莎白被绑架并且被侵犯的九个月里,灵媒们并没有成功的找到她。During the nine months of being kidnapped and repeatedly sexually assaulted, psychics failed to find Smart.

经常的,这类人最终成为心灵学家、疗愈者、顾问、牧师或其他一切类型的临床医者。Often these individuals end up as psychics , healers, counselors, ministers or other therapists of all kinds.

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伊斯特伍德近日接受路透采访,将其个人对死亡及通灵等问题的看法娓娓道来。Eastwood talked to Reuters about whether he thinks more about death as he ages and if he believes in psychics.

如果你所在的地区有竞争性的宠物咨询家和宠物按摩师—可以很肯定地说—你处在一个亲善宠物的城镇。If your area has competing pet psychics and pet masseuses–it's pretty safe to say–you're in a pet-friendly town.

灵媒可以精确地画出连美国间谍卫星都查不到的苏联潜艇基地,美国国防情报局因此对其褒奖有加。DIA credited psychics with creating accurate pictures of Soviet submarine construction hidden from U. S. spy satellites.

通灵之人自己的抱负和人民尽力帮助他们与他们的特异功能的有趣时刻的关系。Psychics have funny moments in relation to their visions and the people they try to help with their extrasensory perception.

搜寻这个金发女孩的新闻在全世界广为散布并且动用到了专业心理学和公共大众的力量。The case made international news as police searched for the blonde teen, and tips poured in from both psychics and the public.

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这个传言能永葆活力的一个原因是,它已经被一些心理学和助推其他超自然力量的人们采纳来解释精神力量。One reason this myth has endured is that it has been adopted by psychics and other paranormal pushers to explain psychic powers.

地震预测在特异功能人士和伪科学者中是一项流行的活动,对过去成功预测的夸大吹嘘也很常见。Earthquake prediction is a popular pastime for psychics and pseudo-scientists, and extravagant claims of past success are common.

莫里森以富有象征意义的金钱意象深刻地表达了奴隶制对黑人奴隶的精神贻害。In this novel, Morrison shows how the past slavery symbolized by monetary images continues to impinge on the psychics of post-slaves.