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我们在里维埃拉过冬。We wintered on the Riviera.

他在里维埃拉有一所别墅。He has a villa on the Riviera.

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那么意大利的里维埃拉呢Now, what about the Italian Riviera?

里维埃拉高玛拉总部占地面积达到14公顷。In total, the Riviera Coomera facility covers 14 hectares.

“五渔村”是意大利一个著名的旅游景点。Cinque Terre, Riviera is a very popular tourist city in Italy.

我们热忱欢迎您光临全新的东方巴黎高尔夫俱乐部!We welcome you to experience the new Shanghai Riviera Golf Club.

他,季曼·卡普,是俄罗斯海滨酒家的老板。He was Zyama Karp, the impresario of the Russian Riviera restaurant.

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几年之后他们回到了意大利位于里维埃拉海岸的圣雷莫市。Several years later they returned to San Remo, on the Italian Riviera.

自从出名后,里维埃拉已经成为很多富翁和名人的居所。The Riviera has been home to the rich and famous since fame was inventend.

最近几年,人们开始将这片海岸称作红海的蔚蓝海岸。In recent years people had taken to calling this coast the Red Sea Riviera.

这里的冬天很温暖,而夏天即热又干燥,不亏是“瑞士的里维埃拉”。The winters are mildand the summers hot and dry, earning it the title “Swiss Riviera.”

现场零售商店出售一系列的具有里维埃拉味的品牌时装和船用设备。An on-site retail store selling a range of Riviera branded fashion and boating accessories.

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实际上,他们在法国的里维埃拉上岸,而且之后也确实生活得挺滋润In fact, they landed on the Riviera in France and did pretty well for themselves afterwards.

法国香水业的中心是法国里维埃拉地区的小城格拉斯。The heart of the French perfume industry lies in Grasse, a small city on the French Riviera.

有位在里维埃拉度假的医生碰上一位律师朋友,就问他怎么会来这儿。A doctor vacationing on the Riviera met a lawyer friend and asked him what he was doing there.

法国工程师斯特凡-鲁松日前在法国里维埃拉展示了自己发明的单人座人力潜水艇。French engineer Stephane Rousson unveiled a one-man pedal-boat submarine on the French Riviera.

示威者来自世界各地的证明G20会议在法国里维埃拉附近。Protesters came from around the world to demonstrate near the G20 meeting on the French Riviera.

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我准备去看一看,自从“红色里维埃拉”的年代过去之后,保加利亚的海滨日子过得怎么样。I set out to see how the rest of the Bulgarian coast has fared since the days of the Red Riviera.

这样的现象不仅在这个小村存在,在整个蔚蓝海岸都如此。This phenomenon exists not only in this small village, in the Throughout the French Riviera are so.

逃到一个别致的五星级度假酒店-普罗旺斯山中隐藏的,但靠近法国里维埃拉。Escape to a chic five-star resort – hidden in the hills of Provence, yet close to the French Riviera.