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她和那些不知羞耻的女孩子们不一样。Not like shameless girls.

你实在恬不知耻。You really are shameless.

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大家都说他恬不知耻。Everybody said he was shameless.

她揭露了他的无耻谎言。She unshelled his shameless lies.

你真是个无耻之徒!You are such a shameless hustler!

你真是个无耻骗徒!You are such a shameless hustler!

姓张得你真是不要脸到家了!Zhang, You really shameless home!

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这是一个无耻的剽窃行为。It is a shameless piece of plagiarism.

他过着荒淫无耻的生活。He leads a life of shameless dissipation.

但是这是多么无耻的对历史的篡改!But what a shameless rewriting of history!

他欺骗、说谎,却不以为耻。He's shameless about his cheating and lying.

她妈妈说了些残忍而无耻的话。Her mother had said cruel, shameless things.

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人不能无耻到这种程度!One cannot be shameless to this kind of level!

但那个无耻之徒却没感到羞愧和悔恨。But the shameless man felt no shame and no regret.

宋明杰有些无耻的问道。Sung the clear hero is some shameless of ask a way.

你难道已经强大到彻底不要脸了吗?Have you had the strength to be thoroughly shameless?

在未知道事实之前预先判断,无耻的,说谎者!Prejudged before know fact, Shameless on you, liar! ! !

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她用无耻的奉承话恭维她的领导。She blarneys her leader with the shameless compliments.

无耻无赖无脸的伪善男。The shameless loafer has no facial of hypocritical male.

不要脸的人生不需要死要面子的解释。No need to ask for the vain explanation to a shameless life.