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那小岛上有许多鸟。The isle is very birdy.

小鸟唱,虫儿响。Birdy songs and bug's cry.

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小小鸟,我们是好朋友。Hey! birdy we are best friend.

马修·莫迪恩把鸟人演得很出色。Matthew Modine is excellent as Birdy.

好几天小鸟和鸽子都没有出现了。For several days no birdy or pigeons appear.

鸟人是带着“前科”去的越南。Birdy went to Vietnam with a pre-existing problem.

折叠自行车的怪在不到30秒,而无需使用任何工具。The Birdy bicycles fold in less than 30 seconds without the use of any tools.

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怪的自行车是合理轻25磅,折叠成一个小的方案。Birdy Bikes are reasonably light at 25 pounds, and fold up into a small package.

这提供了机会行使,洗澡,玩玩具和其他形式的怪的娱乐。This provides an opportunity to exercise, take baths, play with toys and other forms of birdy entertainment.

他敏锐,射击后,向鸟一样冲出去,同时非常坚决,聪明地在陆地上或水中找回猎物。He is keen and birdy , flushing within gun range, as well as a determined, resourceful retriever on land and water.

由一把“脏刀”带来的误会使得艾尔对鸟人产生了好感,他从这个举止笨拙的孩子身上,看到更多无法一眼洞明的东西。As a result of a misunderstanding regarding a stolen knife, Al warms to Birdy and sees there is more to this clumsy kid than meets the eye.

在越南,鸟人终究是面对了一个他无法靠身体飞离的境况,这比家乡生活还要恐怖一百倍。In Vietnam, Birdy finally faces a situation which he can't physically fly away from, which is a hundred times more horrible than his home life.

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大连博迪传媒有限公司是集影视广告制作、平面设计、电视拍摄、与商业摄影以及媒体广告代理、企业策划等为一体的综合性传媒公司。Dalian Birdy Media is now an A-level advertisement agent of Dalian TV Station and as an agent for advertisement release in media across the country.

在今年推出1995年获奖的德国设计公司列塞和马6.3缪勒,该怪的自行车都称赞在国际市场上,因为他们创新的设计和性能。Launched in the year 1995 by the award winning German design firm Riese and Mller, the Birdy bikes are lauded in the international market because of their innovative design and performance.