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他们转而进行海盗行为?They turn to piracy.

他们干海盗仅仅是嫩角儿。They were mere apprentices to piracy.

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不要担心这首曲子被盗版。Don't worry about piracy for this song.

中国打击盗版终于动真格了?Is China Finally Getting Tough on Piracy?

如果你这么干,你也许就可以杜绝盗版了。If you did that, you’d kill piracy. Probably.

打击海盗及海上持械抢劫行为的初步行动Initiatives to counter piracy and armed robbery at sea

海盗行为在亚洲附近的海域也同样活跃。Piracy was also active in the waters surrounding Asia.

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而当没有统一制服的黑人这样做,就是非法海盗行为。When blacks without uniforms do it, it’s illegal piracy.

他们也许不会对网络盗版的后果感到担忧。They may not worry about the consequences of digital piracy.

我们的目标是运行自制程序,而自制程序并不同于盗版。Homebrew is the goal, and homebrew is not the same as piracy.

一个卖书人欺骗学生去买他的盗版书。A book salesman cheats students, because his books are piracy.

“打团伙、破网络、端窝点”,重点查处侵权盗版的大案要案。Singling out major gangs in the crackdown on copyright piracy.

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海盗行为最近成为非洲之角附近的大生意。Piracy has lately become big business around the Horn of Africa.

一三五六年,简终止其海盗生涯,和英国一名上尉结婚。In 1356, Jane retired from piracy to marry an English lieutenant.

海盗的利益已消失,但海盗的本性不改。The profits of piracy had gone but the piratical instinct remained.

海盗行为在世界各地的商运航线上很猖獗。Piracy is alive and flourishing on the world's commercial sea-lanes.

打击网络盗版的过程与此也开始有了相似之处。The struggle against online piracy is beginning to feel the same way.

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2008年,在亚丁湾海域发生的海盗行为增加了一倍多。Acts of piracy more than doubled in the Gulf of Aden area during 2008.

中国已一再承诺,会采取更强硬的措施来遏止盗版。China has promised repeatedly to take tougher measures to curb piracy.

我船在马六甲海峡西出口被海盗抢劫后必须弃船。I must abandon vessel after piracy in the west mouth of Malacca Strait.