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埃德尔曼博士对此表示异议。Dr. Alderman disagrees.

高级市政官在市议会主持事务。Alderman sat in municipal councils.

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对自己的健康问题,妇女们需要更积极主动。Women need to be proactive about their health care, " Alderman says.

奥德曼教授说少吃盐的结果会导致低血压。Dr. Alderman says that eating less salt results in lower bloodpresserpressure.

食盐的各种争论存在一个问题,埃德尔曼博士说,就是所有的调查研究其实都是不完善的。One problem with the salt debates, Dr.Alderman said, is that all the studies are inadequate.

但是发现低盐饮食的副作用并非是该新研究的首创。Alderman said, the new study is not the only one to find adverse effects of low-sodium diets.

奥德曼博士是顾问委员会的一员,但他表示未从该研究会获利。Dr. Alderman is a member of an advisory committee. But he says he receives no money from the group.

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但是发现低盐饮食的副作用并非是该新研究的首创。But, Dr. Alderman said, the new study is not the only one to find adverse effects of low-sodium diets.

经过会长的密封盖章之后,行会的卷档和钱财应有管事保管。The steward ought to keep the rolls and treasures of the gild under the seal of the alderman of the gild.

食盐研究会是食盐行业的行业协会,麦卡隆博士和奥德曼博士都与其有来往。Both Dr. McCarron and Dr. Alderman have connections to the Salt Institute, a trade group for the salt industry.

市议员与浣熊”我看见有许多环纹在你的尾巴上,“在动物园里一位市议员与碰上的一只浣熊在交谈。"I see quite a number of rings on your tail, " said an Alderman to a Raccoon that he met in a zoological garden.

然而,据WGN电台透露,芝加哥市长以及许多市议员也正在寻求解决法院关于“禁枪令”裁定的各种途径。However, according to WGN the mayor and many alderman are already seeking ways to work around the court's ruling.

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食盐研究会是食盐行业的行业协会,麦卡隆博士和奥德曼博士都与其有来往。Both Dr. McCarron and Dr. Alderman have connections to the Salt Institute, a trade group for the salt industry. Dr.

他的父亲约翰•莎士比亚是一个富有的商人,经营羊毛、兽皮和皮革商品生意,并曾任市首席议员一职。His father, John Shakespeare, was a well-to-do trader in wool, hides and leathern articles, and once held the office of chief alderman.

“你吃更少的盐,”阿尔德曼博士说,“你的血压会降低,可是也有可能导致其他相反和意想不到的后果。“When you reduce salt, ” Dr. Alderman said, “you reduce blood pressure, but there can also be other adverse and unintended consequences.

一名芝加哥市议员不允许安德鲁斯在餐馆外悬挂那条标语,而且地区协会组织也要求取缔这家餐馆。A Chicago alderman refused to let Andrews hang a sign outside his restaurant, and the neighborhood association fought to eliminate the eatery altogether.

奥德曼博士说少吃盐能使血压降低,但研究并未清楚显示低盐饮食也能减少心脏病及中风。Alderman says that eating less salt results in lower blood pressure. But he says studies have not clearly shown that lowering salt means fewer heart attacks or strokes.

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奥德曼博士说少吃盐能使血压降低,但研究并未清楚显示低盐饮食也能减少心脏病及中风。Dr. Alderman says that eating less salt results in lower blood pressure. But he says studies have not clearly shown that lowering salt means fewer heart attacks or strokes.

例如,Alderman及其同事们的研究发现,在津巴布韦,内战和旱灾之后生活状况一般的儿童受到了小时候身高的影响。In Zimbabwe, for example, how children fared after a civil war and drought was affected by their height in early childhood, according to research by Alderman and his colleagues.

“如果研究对象选择了一种饮食方式,观察性研究就会告知你你的研究对象会有怎样的经历,”埃德尔曼博士说,"如果改变了研究对象的盐摄入,那么你就不会从中得知将会发生什么。”“Observational studies tell you what people will experience if they select a diet,” Dr.Alderman said.“They do not tell you what will happen if you change peoples' sodium intake.