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危桥,请勿使用。Unsafe bridge. Do not use.

不安全水将导致流行病。Unsafe water will lead to epidemics.

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有时候,和古怪的人相见不安全。Sometimes weirdos can be unsafe to meet.

现在让我们进到那座楼里实在是太危险了。The building is too unsafe for us to enter.

女孩子晚上一个人出外是很危险的。It's unsafe for girls to go out alone at night.

但是这里很安全,没必要感到危机四伏。But it's safe and there's no need to feel unsafe.

俯伏姿势对新生儿可能不安全。Proneness may be an unsafe position for newborns.

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充满有毒废料,不安全的低质商品。Unsafe Product with full of toxics, poor quality.

解组和失功能的家庭,不安全的环境。Disorganized and Dysfunctional family, unsafe environment.

保险也会提醒我们是生活在一个不安全的世界。Insurance also reminds us that we live in an unsafe world.

现在这里好多了,我真的从来不会觉得不安全。But it's so much better now and I really never felt unsafe.

病险水库除险加固工程。Seepage prevention and reinforcement for unsafe reservoirs.

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但是,危险的建筑工程仍然是中国一个永久的难题。But unsafe building work remains a chronic problem in China.

他因不安全药物受贿而判罪。He was found guilty of curruption for approving unsafe drugs.

那么其中最常见的就是被视为洪水猛兽的性和毒品问题了。There are the familiar risks of unsafe sex and illegal drugs.

远离那些占据管道路并且不安全的大车队。Stay away from big packs that take over the road and are unsafe.

这部车不安全,因为构造上有缺陷。DEFECT】The car was unsafe because of a defect in its construction.

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很不安全,因为抢劫的人能藏在那里,袭击妇女。It is unsafe because a rapist could hide in there and attack women.

现在,我们终于开始认识到了我们的饮食其实是不健康而且不安全的。And we’ve come to recognize that our diet is unhealthful and unsafe.

自从房基被洪水损毁后,房子很不安全。The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods.