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用户体验是一个非常模糊的概念。User experience is a very blurry concept.

关上电视机,我已经泪眼朦胧。With tear-filled, blurry eyes, I turned the TV off.

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没有它们,三维电视的屏幕看起来模糊的恶心。Without them, the screen looks nauseatingly blurry.

一个黑糊糊的玩意爬了出来,用它那虫子般的眼睛盯着我看。Something dark and blurry came out and fixed its bug-eyes on me.

刚开始视力可能会模糊,因为您的眼睛正在术后愈合和调整的阶段。Your vision may be blurry at first as your eye heals and adjusts.

这张地图又脏又模糊,让我们怎么找啊?This map is both dirty and blurry , how will we be able to find it?

白内障可引起视物模糊以及眩光。Cataracts can cause blurry vision and increase the glare from lights.

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然后考虑景深深浅让背景聚焦清晰或模糊虚化。Consider whether you want the background in focus or nice and blurry.

他那模糊的视线所能看到的一切是她跪下后的脸。She kneeled down to where a blurry vision of her face was all he saw.

几只小船大近岸边,不太突出也很朦。The few boats are too close to the shore and are also extremely blurry.

所以如果性生活过后你的视野变得模糊,很值得做一次视力测试。So if yoursight goes blurry after sex, it's worth going for an eye test.

我们的周边视觉不仅是我们的中央视力模糊的版本。Our peripheral vision is not just a blurry version of our central vision.

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角膜溃疡可引起疼痛,不适,在某些病例还可引起视物模糊。A corneal ulcer causes pain, discomfort, and, in some cases, blurry vision.

有些照片中他轻轻动了动就有些模糊。There are pictures where if he moved just slightly, the picture was blurry.

为了那些长了一双二五眼或一双筛糠的手的人,“淬毒弓”应运而生了。For those with a blurry eye or an unsteady hand, there is the Envenomed Bow.

起先眼前的景象很模糊,但是她发现了两张好奇的面孔正在看着她。At first the picture was blurry but she saw two curious faces looking at her.

他也同样有暗处光线模糊的经历,但现在这种现象已逐步缓解。He, too, experienced blurry lights after dark but this has steadily lessened.

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如你所知,软刷子是模糊的和硬毛刷更加坚实。As you know, soft brushes are the blurry ones and hard brushes are more solid.

她在车前灯的光线中看到他模糊的身影在汽车前周走动。She saw his blurry figure in the headlight, walking around the front of the car.

症状包括眼睛干涩、视力模糊、疲劳以及脖子和肩膀抽筋。Symptoms included dry eyes, blurry vision, fatigue and neck and shoulder cramping.