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靠的就是棉花On cotton.

我不停地走啊走。I walked on.

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水墨绢本。Ink on silk.

泥在盐上。Mud on salt.

铁门打开了吗?The iron on?

让我们继续谈下往。Let us go on.

在椅子上。On the chair.

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通过电话的?On the phone?

在6度上摇滚!Rockin' on 6!

诸如此类。And on and on.

上底油。Bottom on oil.

婊子来啊!Come on bitch!

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我们看着他死去了。He died on us.

电视还开着呢。Nomo is on TV.

野茂上电视了。Nomo is on TV.

在叶子上?On the leaves?

在哪一页?On which page?

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来来来。接着说。Come on. Go on.

他在你脚上撒尿?He peed on you?

他挥手叫我们前进。He waved us on.