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香料的芬芳刺激她疲惫的胃口。The odoriferous spices stimulated her jaded appetite.

而现在,一项新的研究即将揭开这种散发着臭味的球茎的秘密。Now new research is beginning to unlock the secrets of the odoriferous bulb.

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部分人记忆有气味的东西要胜于记忆声音和图像。Some things to remember odoriferous memory is better than the voice and image.

六盘山地区多处有臭水泉群出露。There are a great number of Odoriferous fountains in Liupanshan Mountain area, south Ningxia.

他坐起身来,发觉自己和衣躺在一张非常柔软而芳香的干芰草所铺成的床上。He rose to his seat, and found himself lying on his bournous in a bed of dry heather , very soft and odoriferous.

这是一个位在城市边缘,被发臭的河道与紊乱的高架桥包围的儿童乐园。This is an amusement park on the edge of the city, hemmed in between an odoriferous river and a clamorous overhead expressway.

你可以用牙膏简单擦一下皮肤,就可以除掉上面的洋葱、鱼、大蒜以及其他散发气味的食品的臭味。You can remove the stench of onions, fish, garlic and other odoriferous foods from your skin by scrubbing briefly with toothpaste.

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你可以用牙膏简单擦一下皮肤,就可以除掉上面的洋葱、鱼、大蒜以及其他散发气味的食品的臭味。You can remove the stench of onions, fish, garlic and other odoriferous foods from your skin by scrubbing briefly 11 with toothpaste.

在花中加入香味要比加入颜色难,因为前者涉及植物能否合成有味化学物质以及如何处理这些化学物质。Smell is tougher to implant than colour because it not only matters whether a plant can make odoriferous chemicals, it also matters what it does with them.

这些有味的有机物化合物含有大量的复杂的化合物,它们都是绝大多数植物油的主要成分,可以分成四大类。These odoriferous organic compounds contain numerous ingredients generally classified into four main groups which are characteristic of the majority of essential oils.

品目33.02所称“香料”仅指品目33.01所列的物质,从这些物质离析出来的香料组分以及合成芳香剂。The expression "odoriferous substances" in heading 33.02 refers only to the substances of heading 33.01, to odoriferous constituents isolated from those substances or to synthetic aromatics.