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他习惯于将全部费用一次付清。He has a habit of planking out the whole cost all at once.

一根悬空表演者因为在警车顶部悬空而被逮捕。One planker was arrested for planking on top of a police car.

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从这个照片可以看到,悬空能锻炼强有力得腹肌。As you can see from this photo, planking can build strong abs.

一天早上,艾伦在门廊风化的地板上发现一只小狗崽。One morning Aaron found a pup on the porch’s weathered planking.

贝格尔号换新木板肋材,并换上铜质船壳。The Beagle was refitted with new timber planking and copper hull.

该套件包括激光切割框架龙骨及舱壁和作为船体板材的木条。The kit includes laser cut frames for keel & bulkheads , and wood strip for hull planking.

奥兰多魔术队后卫阿瑞纳斯首先在网络上发布了一系列在自己家附近”趴街”的照片。Magic guard Gilbert Arenas first posted multiple pictures of himself planking around his home.

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使用锡特卡云杉做甲板应该径向切割,这样的视觉效果最佳。For optimal visual effects when using sitka-spruce for deck planking it should be quarter sawn.

龙骨邦木,呆木船的龙骨和艉柱之间的垂直板材,用来加固。The vertical planking between the keel of a vessel and the sternpost, serving as a reinforcement.

由椴木建造的坚实的船体上覆盖木板,镂空的舷墙和甲板。Solid hull construction of basswood, planked over topsides , built-up bulwarks and laid deck planking.

杰克不做作业,父亲好揍了他一顿,他才换了一副态度。Jack refused to do his homework, but Father gave him a good planking and made him dance to another tune.

战书一下,霍华德就上传了一些自己在奥兰多家中的”趴街”照片。The message was followed by a number of photos of himself planking around his sprawling Orlando mansion.

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“仆街”指脸朝下趴在一个让人意想不到的地方然后让人给拍照纪录下来的行为。The word planking refers to the activity of lying face-down in an unusual location and being photographed.

然而,当你决定跳,始终觉得至少三到四倍,然后铺板下你们钱。However, when you decide to jump in, always think at least three to four times before planking down your money.

他”趴街”的地方还包括了魔术队主场安利中心、快餐店和割草机。He also posted pictures of himself planking at the Amway Center, a fast-food restaurant and on top of a lawn mower.

侧壁覆盖着45毫米的柏油板材,就像一件“雨衣”,这样就可以只使用几乎没有悬挂物的短屋檐。The side walls are clad in tarred 45 mm planking which acts like a "raincoat" and allows the use of a short eaves with almost no overhang.

除了阿瑞纳斯和霍华德,奥克拉荷马雷霆队的内特·罗宾逊以及洛杉矶快船的埃里克·布莱索也在”趴街”游戏当中乐此不疲。Nate Robinson of the Oklahoma City Thunder and Eric Bledsoe of the Los Angeles Clippers have also been captured getting into the "planking" game.

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当他在船边的木板上磨擦手时,他看见一片片的鱼鳞缓缓向船尾漂去。The flow was less strong and as he rubbed the side of his hand against the planking of the skiff, particles of phosphorus floated off and drifted slowly astern.

所以他趁船经过的时候用鱼钩钩上了一簇黄色的马尾藻,把它抖抖,使里面的小虾掉在小船船板上。So he hooked a patch of yellow Gulf weed with the gaff as they passed and shook it so that the small shrimps that were in it fell onto the planking of the skiff.

Planking这个词2011年首现于澳大利亚,不过这个游戏的概念其实早在上世纪90年代末期就已经有了,当时在英国叫做“平躺游戏”。The activity noun planking was coined in Australia in 2011, though the concept underlying the fad dates back to the late nineties, and was previously known as the lying down game in Britain.