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自己去发现它?Discover it by himself?

他如何发现这个呢?How did he discover this?

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你们猜我发现了什么?What do I discover though?

复制,以梦为实境。In dream we discover reality.

找出所有咖啡保温瓶。Discover all coffee thermoses.

然后你就会发现你喜欢什么。And you discover what you love.

找出所有咖啡保温瓶。G Discover all coffee thermoses.

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曾记得,我寻遍寰宇,终于发现Remembering me, discover and see

我们活着只为的是去发现美。We live only to discover beauty.

你可能会发现他们恨你。You could discover they hate you.

发现问题欢迎和我讨论。Discover and I welcome discussion.

发现最敏感的你的最敏感点。Discover your most sensitive spots.

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你发现原来还有卸妆水这种东东。And discover micellar water instead.

但是,先要探索一番的还是瓦尔纳。But first there is Varna to discover.

认识即兴创作的力量!Discover The Power About Improvising!

我们如何发现正确的顺序?How do we discover the correct order?

发现西西里,探索这个世界。Discover Sicily and discover the world.

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透过外师的引导,印证科学的奥妙与乐趣。Discover the mystery and fun of science.

他发现两个相同的,所以他要求随行人员。He discover two same, so he ask retinue.

于是欧文开始注意“道德风险“这一现象。So, he started to discover moral hazard.