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因为里面确实有大量的反复There's a lot of repetition.

习惯是由重复养成的。Habits are created by repetition.

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模板化表单元素的循环。Repetition of templated form elements.

太多的重复在心理上或吃不消。Too much repetition is hard on the mind.

所有能多次限定的正则运算符都是贪婪的。All regex repetition operators are greedy.

重复不会获得对事物的理解。Repetition does not lead to understandings.

在此,我要强调一下重复的重要性。I would stress the usefulness of repetition.

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没有比重复更无聊的了。Thereis nothing more boring than repetition.

高重复频率脉冲激光高达240千赫。High laser pulse repetition rate up to 240 kHz.

而他显然并不愿我再来打搅。He evidently wished no repetition of my intrusion.

它是通过利用平衡和重复而实现的。It is achieved by the use of balance and repetition.

重复用于多种用途克尔凯郭尔。Repetition serves multiple purposes for Kierkegaard.

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这就是黑格尔的在历史中重复的理论。That's the Hegelian theory of repetition in history.

这使得建筑物的外观有韵律感,而且打破重复。This gives rhythm the facades and breaks repetition.

这些话不会因重复使用而变得陈旧。These are words which cannot Be staled By repetition.

歌词简单,但不呆板,其特点是在音韵上广泛运用叠字。The Short Song often employs repetition in its lyrics.

目的探讨TEST1测定血沉结果的准确性与重复性。Objective Discuss the accuracy and repetition of TEST1.

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“又”可以用于预计之内的重复。"yòu" also indicates the repetition which is expectable.

而对于格特鲁德,斯泰因,重复无疑是支配方法。In Gertrude Stein, the dominant is repetition undoubtedly.

任何历史现象都不会是简单的重复。No historical phenomenon is a mere repetition of the past.