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霸权主义和强权政治依然存在。Hegemonism and power politics still exist.

霸权主义和强权政治有新的表现。Hegemonism and power politics have new manifestations.

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第二,中国反对霸权主义,维护世界和平。Second, China opposes hegemonism and upholds world peace.

霸权主义思想已深深印入某些美国政客的脑海。Hegemonism has been embedded in the mind of some American politicians.

是反启蒙思想、强权主义的支持者。And they also were the supporter of Anti-Enlightenment Racism and Hegemonism.

于是,这是一种真正的崛起吗?还是一种得益于西半球的崛起?So is this is a true rise, or is it a rise on the coattails of Western hegemonism?

已经站立起来的非洲国家和人民敢于藐视超级大国的霸权主义。The African countries and peoples, having stood up, dare to look down on superpower hegemonism.

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我们坚持原来的主张,那就是裁军的斗争必须同反霸斗争结合起来。We hold our ground that the struggle for disarmament must be combined with fight against hegemonism.

只不过单边主义强调对外行为方式,霸权主义更强调行动目标而已。Only Unilateralism emphasizes the foreign behavior, hegemonism stresses on the action goal even more.

恐怖主义和霸权主义是人类社会面临的两大历史顽症。The terrorism and hegemonism are the two big historical persistent ailments that the human society faces.

根源还是超级大国霸权主义在那里挑拨,在那里插手!It is the superpowers that practise hegemonism and sow discord. They are the ones with their hands in that area!

因此,对中国等广大发展中国家而言,与布什政府的霸权主义作斗争依旧是一项紧迫的任务。Hence anti-US hegemonism must be considered as an uttermost task for all the developing countries including China.

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然而影响稳定的不确定因素依然存在,保全主义和强权政治不愿退出舞台。Nonetheless, destabilizing factors of uncertainty remain, with hegemonism and power politics retaining a foothold.

中国应当通过多边合作反对单边主义环境霸权,同时,也要合理行使自救权意义上的环境单边主义。China should be against hegemonism of unilateralism, but it should perform unilateralism in the sense of self-help.

国际上,反霸斗争更加发展,霸权主义更加孤立。On the international scene, the struggle against hegemonism has grown and the hegemonists are increasingly isolated.

新地方主义是抗击一切形形色色的美学霸权主义的最有效同时也是最坚韧的法宝。New territorialism, i. e. new localism, is a hard and most effective weapon against all sorts of aesthetic hegemonism.

这一点,对于我们实现四个现代化,对于加强国际反霸斗争,都是有利的。This will help both in China's struggle to achieve the four modernizations and in the international struggle against hegemonism.

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但是霸权主义和强权政治依然存在,局部地区的武装冲突还在继续,天下仍不太平。However, hegemonism and power politics continue to hang on, regional armed conflicts persist, and the world is still not tranquil.

以史为鉴,新世纪初,我们仍要继续反对美国的霸权主义和强权政治。By learning lessons from history, we must continue to oppose American hegemonism and power politics in the beginning of new century.

第四,冷战后的美国霸权主义是在“新干涉主义”外表掩盖下的一种更具欺骗性和伪装性的霸权。Fourthly, American new hegemonism is a kind of hegemonism whose natures of fraudulence and guise are covered up by "new interventionism ".