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试着在奔跑的时候缩短步幅。Try shortening your stride when you run.

摆在前面的道路是一天天变短的。The road ahead was shortening by the day.

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起酥油是这个蛋糕的成分之一。Shortening is one of the ingredients in this cake.

油脂的底部或煮锅缩短喷雾。GREASE bottom of pan with shortening or cooking spray.

全体职员投票赞成缩短办公时间。All the clerks balloted for shortening the office hours.

大提琴演奏家总是在压缩或拉长弦A cellist is always shortening and lengthening the strings.

加入融化了的白油,海苔,拌匀成蛋糕糊。Add in melted shortening and seaweed to become the cake batter.

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避免了货叉弯曲过程中的拉缩现象。The shortening during the bending deformation of forks is avoided.

用花生或红花油,或者食用油来起酥。Use peanut or safflower oil or solid vegetable shortening for frying.

缩小页眉的高度,给主要内容留出空间。Move more content above the fold by shortening the height of the header.

她自动揽下了把她弟弟的裤子改小的任务。She went to the trouble of shortening the trousers for her younger brother.

雪白奶油,起酥油,人造酥油。Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, hydrogenated vegetable oil, shortening.

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维拉帕米可以减弱急性心房扩大对AERP的缩短作用。Verapamil can attenuate the shortening effect of acute atrial dilation on AERP.

是否使用通过缩短在“-”字符的名称找到的默认预案。Whether to use default fallbacks found by shortening the name at '-' characters.

短生命周期产品的需求和经营特性与一般产品在推出时期的行为相近。In the so-called hyper-competitive age, the product life cycle is shortening rapidly.

提高了炒制效率,并降低能耗,缩短了炒制时间。It increases frying efficency, reduces energy consumption, and shortening frying time.

结果16例患者中,14例睡眠潜伏期缩短,提示有白天过度嗜睡存在。Results 14 out of 16 patients were suggested having EDS in MSLT with a shortening MSL.

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主动脉阻断时间对心肌保护有更重要影响。Shortening the aortic cross-clamping time is more important for myocardial protection.

Twitter启动了其自带的t.co缩短服务,以制止一部分在Twitter上散播的恶意软件。Twitter started its own shortening service in part to curb malware on its service.

格罗斯博士说一天时间的缩短不会带来任何实际后果。Dr. Gross said there won't be any practical consequences from the shortening of our day.