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他们分头吃饭。They eat separately.

咱们想要分开算帐。We love to offer separately.

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是否分开付帐。Will you be paying separately?

嗯,好,不如我们分头行动吧。Okay. I suggest we act separately.

您们是否介意分开坐?Would you mind sitting separately?

这事咱们分头去做吧。Let's go about the work separately.

每个车厢可以分别收集。Each car can be collected separately.

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我将分别解释每一种方式。I will explain each style separately.

您的行李将单独送上来。Your luggage will come up separately.

吊饰与手链可分开购买。Charm and bracelet available separately.

吊饰与项链可分开购买。Charm and necklace available separately.

你会接受情侣分床睡吗?。Do you accept couples'sleeping separately?

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另设空白对照组。Set up the blank contrast group separately.

我们另外再把合同书寄给您。We are sending you the contract separately.

全文另发。The full text will be dispatched separately.

手腕带也可单独使用。The wrist strip can also be used separately.

保险是从证券衍变而来的Insurance evolves separately from securities.

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每个过滤器和缓存分别执行。Each filter is executed and cached separately.

您可以订购的OSD专业扩展分开。You can order the OSD Pro Expander separately.

然后可以单独调用每个委托。Each delegate could then be invoked separately.