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这就是情感敲诈。This is emotional blackmail.

这个夜盗开始向她勒索。The burglar began to blackmail her.

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她因犯有敲诈罪被送进监狱。She was sent to prison for blackmail.

她向他敲诈了1000美元。She demanded $ 1000 blackmail from him.

他用敲诈勒索的威胁使她屈服。He broke her by the threat of blackmail.

但伊朗的勒索不仅仅与石油有关。But Iran's blackmail is not just about oil.

我根本不准备向讹诈屈服。I'm never prepared to surrender to blackmail.

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同时,马尔沃调查勒索阴谋。Meanwhile, Malvo investigates a blackmail plot.

谢尔顿,你懂啥叫勒索吗?Sheldon do you understand the concept of blackmail?

他们的核讹诈政策破产了。Their policy of nuclear blackmail has fallen through.

林达涉嫌敲诈市长的丑闻。Linda was involved in a blackmail scandal of the mayor.

“我被骗了,怎么反而成了我绑架勒索”。"I was cheated, how became instead I kidnap blackmail".

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这些照片好像被用于敲诈勒索。It looks like the pictures were being used for blackmail.

他才是这次勒索案的后台。He was the string-puller behind the scenes of the blackmail.

闰之拒绝,太君以杀死东坡要挟。To leap the refusal, too gentleman to kill dongpo blackmail.

整个过程就是一次诱骗你上钩的过程,一场情感上的勒索。The ploy was a bait and switch, an act of emotional blackmail.

史密斯先生一直被敲诈勒索,因为他有短处在这个人手里。Mr. Smith keeps paying blackmail to a man who has something on him.

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赫敏在敲诈方面的天赋又一次在丽塔·基特身上得到应用。Hermione's talents at blackmail are once again honed on Rita Skeeter.

赫敏在敲诈方面的天赋又一次在丽塔·斯基特身上得到应用。Hermione's talents at blackmail are once again honed on Rita Skeeter.

哭泣是一种勒索行为,只能在必要的时候使用,但是不要以为我们会喜欢。Crying is blackmail. Use it if you must, but don't expect us to like it.