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为什么大师们利用这个市场?。Why Do Marketa Gurus Exploit This?

我如何充分利用这段经历呢?How do I fully exploit the experience?

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刺激和利用集体价值。Stimulate and exploit collective value.

如果你能善加利用的话,它会非常出色。If you can exploit that, then it's brilliant.

我们必须发挥战术的奇袭效果到极致。We must exploit tactical surprise to the maxima.

爱尔的目标是要开发国际市场。Ayre clearly aims to exploit the worldwide market.

将来是否会有6.40固件来封堵住这个内核漏洞?Will there be a 6.40 patching this Kernel exploit?

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一个好的例子是点击劫持漏洞利用。A good example of this is the clickjacking exploit.

我们必须利用一切机会学习新事物。We must exploit every opportunity to learn new things.

你让这个年纪的孩子这么干的时候还能指望啥!When you exploit girls of that age what do you expect!

发掘各种技术和频带之间的差别。Exploit differences in technologies and frequency bands.

总有一天,人类可以开采其他星球的资源。One day, people can exploit the resouces on other planet.

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请留在了这个漏洞发布宏宝调整。Please stay tuned for the release of HBL on this exploit.

斯林克就像一个孩子,你不会盘剥你的孩子。Slinky is like a child, and you don't exploit your child.

新技术的出现使一些坏家伙有了可乘之机。New technologies bring new things for bad guys to exploit.

所以我们决定探索开放的网络标准。So we decided to exploit open Web standards in many regards.

某些死灵术也会造成这类效果。Some Necromancy effects can create or exploit this property.

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俄罗斯的政治家们已经开始利用对“黄祸”的恐惧。Already, Russian politicians exploit the "yellow peril" fear.

汪一泓的出色工作属性,以她坚实的利用。Wang Yihong's excellent work attributes to her solid exploit.

也许盖达跨越利用,加剧了不稳定。Maybe al Qaeda leaps to exploit and aggravate the instability.