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全砖面。All Brick.

一句话,问题就是?All right?

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都很出众,-都很出众。,All,smart。,–All smart.

所有这些都是质数。All primes.

全部免费?Free to all?

他是说全部。It says all.

我们都会失败。We all fail.

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他光说不练。He' all talk.

我们都会放声大笑。We all laugh.

鱼都会游水。All fish swim.

都是可食用的哦。All is edible.

一切准备好了,出发。All set to go.

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手表完全恢复正常。All warm good.

他光说不练!He's all talk!

我浑身上下都是耳朵。I am all ears.

把它们都列出来。List them all.

全部记录下来。Record it all.

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一切从新开始!Begin all anew!

它们全是名词。It’s all nouns.

所有人的权利。Rights for all.