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我已经决定大学要攻读老年病学。I have decided to study gerontology at college.

所以,是老年医学的一个似是而非的追求?So, is the field of gerontology a plausible pursuit?

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本科目介绍老人学的起源与发展。The course includes the origin and development of gerontology.

贾兹所主持,他们这项研究结果最近在美国老年学的期刊上登出。Their results were recently published in the United States in the Journal of Gerontology.

然而,在老年学仍严重缺乏有专业训练需求的工人。However, there is a serious shortage of workers with specialized training needed in gerontology.

最后,IBG还要组织和主办生物医学老年学领域专题研讨会。Finally, IBG would organise and sponsor conferences dedicated to the field of biomedical gerontology.

为老年学研究提供最具代表性、广泛性的研究数据和实践基础理论。Providing the most typical and widely researched data as well as practical experiences and basic theories for gerontology.

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这一观点可以追溯到老年医学的创始人之一加州大学伯克利分校的布鲁斯•艾姆斯。This idea goes back to one of the founders of scientific gerontology , Bruce Ames of the University of California, Berkeley.

此次寿星评选活动的负责人中国老年学会顾问宋玉华说。Longevity of this activity is responsible for the selection Chinese Association of Gerontology consultant who SONG Yu-hua said.

雅伦沃克教授是英国雪菲尔大学社会政策及社会老人学教授。Professor Alan C. Walker is currently Professor of Social Policy and Social Gerontology at the University of Sheffield, Britain.

社会工作者可能专门研究某个领域,如儿童福利,家庭服务,矫正,老年学或成瘾。Social workers may specialize in fields of practice such as child welfare, family services, corrections, gerontology or addictions.

在我的老年学生涯中,极为激励我的是,这一点曾经及其罕见地被用来反对我,即使在背后也是这样。It's been extremely heartening to me in my gerontology career how rarely this argument has been used against me, even out of my hearing.

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佐治亚州的贝斯库伯被洛杉矶的老年医学研究所誉为世上活的最长的人,布莱宁只比他晚出生26天。Breuning was 26 days younger than Besse Cooper of Georgia, whom the Gerontology Research Group in Los Angeles lists as the world's oldest person.

最古老的活女子冠军现在去到114岁的贝瑟库珀的美国乔治亚州,根据老年学研究小组。The title of the oldest living woman now goes to 114-year-old Besse Cooper of the US state of Georgia, according to the Gerontology Research Group.

拥有老年医学项目的院校只需瞄准校园里的老年学员就能找到参加项目和科研的人员。Institutions having gerontology programs merely need to look to their campus ILR members to find persons for programming and research opportunities.

基于这一理念,我们力求将老年学研究中心建造成一座安全、健康、舒适、温馨的老年之家。Based on this principle, the designers have a try to build a gerontology research center as a home of the aged with safety, health, comfort and warmth.

在大学或是学院里,老年医学通常是健康学的一部分,并且强调随着年龄的增长找寻健康的生活方式的必要性。Gerontology is normally a part of wellness studies at a college or university, emphasizing the need for finding healthy lifestyles as we advance in age.

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据洛杉矶的老人科学研究组织介绍,波尔顿出生于1890年8月15日。这一组织专门负责追踪世界上寿命最长老人的年龄。Bolden was born Aug. 15, 1890, according to the Gerontology Research Group, a Los Angeles organization that tracks the ages of the world's oldest people.

目前,世界最年长的老翁为德国的赫尔曼·多内曼,现年111岁,而比多内曼年长的老妇人还有26名。The world's oldest living man is now Hermann Dornemann, of Germany, age 111. There are 26 living woman older than him, according to Gerontology Research Group.

铃木高雄是位于名古屋全国老年病理和老年医学研究院的社长,他相信日本近乎完美的文化普及率也是一个因素。Takao Suzuki, general director of the National Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology in Nagoya, believes that Japan's almost perfect literacy rate is also a factor.