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谢谢你报了我的忙。Thank you for helping me.

请您帮个忙好吗?Would you mind helping me?

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但是他喜欢帮助别人。But he loves helping people.

我是被迫帮忙的。I was dragooned into helping.

新技术有帮助。New technologies are helping.

感谢曾经帮助你的人。Thank others for helping you.

那么究竟什么是助动词呢?What is a helping verb, then?

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我们对你们给予我们的帮助表示感谢。We appreciate your helping us.

对你的帮助,我应向你表示感谢。I owe you thanks for helping me.

我们获得参加青年训练的一个姑娘的帮助。We've got a YTS girl helping us.

并帮助我们评估整个团队。and helping us evaluate the team.

我们正在以江淮汽车促进这种形象的改变。We are helping that with JAC cars.

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中国的周边国家和地区也在提供帮助。China's neighbors are also helping.

我一直在自己搛菜吃呢。I've been helping myself all 810ng.

你想再来一份吗?Would you care for another helping?

谢谢,我一直在自己夹菜吃呢。Thank you, I've been helping myself.

我们感谢派翠西亚的帮助。We appreciate Patricia's helping us.

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我一直在给自己夹菜呢。I have been helping myself all along.

请向佛祈祷来帮助I。Please pray to Buddha for helping Ms.

小娃帮着爸爸看青蛙。Tops dude helping dad with his frogs.