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一个小小的脚注。You know,a footnote.

所有其他的辩论都是它的脚注而已。All else is footnote.

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星号表示参看脚注。The asterisk refers to a footnote.

我要在这里说明一下。Now, I've got to make a footnote here.

注脚列在书页下端。A footnote is made at the bottom of the page.

星号指引读者去查阅脚注。The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.

不要把自己削减成单一的脚本。Don't whittle yourself down to a simple footnote.

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在这一区域键入脚注或尾注的内容。Type the footnote or endnote content in this area.

但是这只会是一个有趣的注脚。But this is just going to be an interesting footnote.

其实,这就是Wimsatt脚注里所说的。Essentially, that's what Wimsatt says in the footnote.

务必要记得,在引用不同论点和证据时,要加上。Be sure to footnote both argument and evidentiary citations.

务必要记得,在引用不同论点和证据时,要加上注脚。Be sure to footnote both argument and evidentiary citations.

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每一个脚注中注明位子上标小写字母。Indicate each footnote in a table a superscript lowercase letter.

现在我想,它们在一个脚注中最有效。Now I think that they make their most effective case in a footnote.

一个小型的脚注先生盖特纳的环法自行车生效前的相机。A small footnote on Mr. Geithner's tour de force in front of cameras.

没有用合适的注脚格式会降低你的绩分。Failure to use appropriate footnote formatting will lower your grade.

每一个脚注中注明位子上标小写字母。Indicate each footnote in a table with a superscript lowercase letter.

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同时,此处也是徒步游的好地方。It is also the good place which swims on footnote here in the meantime.

它在084页,第12个脚注。It appears on page 084 in the copy center packet, footnote number twelve.

互引指引读者其资料来源在另一脚注中已经表示。Cross-citation directs the reader to source material cited in another footnote.