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怎样压抑住自己易激动的情绪?How to depress him hotheaded mood?

鲁莽撞的人不应开车。Hotheaded people shouldn't drive cars.

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他们只是一对年少气盛的小伙子。Theyre just a couple of hotheaded teenagers.

他批评他的副手是个急躁的年轻人。He criticized his deputy as a hotheaded youth.

不要那么性急!你会发生意外的。Don't be so hotheaded. You'll have an accident.

他是个怪人,易激动,控制不住脾气,他让我担心。He is hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me.

实际上,鲁莽的股票投资者们能做出更好的决定。In fact, hotheaded stock investors make better decisions.

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上周日的日本站,汉密尔顿再一次头脑发热。Last Sunday's Japanese station, Hamilton was again hotheaded.

他的表哥班佛利欧和卡布利特夫人那位性格急躁的侄儿提伯特。His cousin Benvolio and Tybalt, the hotheaded nephew of Lady Capulet.

当众议院性急火燎地通过一项法案,参议员使它冷下来。When the House passes a bill in hotheaded haste, the Senate cools it down.

智慧人惧怕,就远离恶事。愚妄人却狂傲自恃。A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hotheaded and reckless.

一生应该要有一次比较冲动的旅行,最好在年轻的时候!A hotheaded travel should be enjoyed in your life. especially when you are young.

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到了牛市的高峰期,甚至有人头脑发热、借贷入市。To bull market peak, even some people hotheaded , lend money entering the market.

他回忆说郑大世小时候是个冲动的球员,有时会因不良行为被罚出场。He remembers him as a hotheaded kid who was sometimes taken out of a game for bad behavior.

在木星的作用下,鱼有时会使得射手有时过于的冲动缓和下来。Jupiter works through Pisces by putting a softer face on Sagittarius' occasional hotheaded outbursts.

实际上,鲁莽的股票投资者们能做出更好的决定。In fact, hotheaded stock investors make better decisions, a study in the Academy of Management Journal showed.

他上任之后短短这段时间里,特朗普表明,他可以有克制地回应一件事,头脑冲动地处理下一件事。In his short time in office, Mr. Trump has shown that he can respond to events in measured ways one moment and with hotheaded bluster the next.

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头脑发热是你最大的问题,拿了球就想往篮底冲击,结果被人赏了不少火辣辣的盖帽。Rush and hotheaded is your biggest problem, once you get the ball you want to cut in directly, then what you got is nice blocks from your opponents.

而且以编写并供下载网络遥控程序著称。That was during their "young and hotheaded college days," as Fisherman puts it. The NCPH is also famous for the remote-network-control programs they wrote and offered for download.

冲动的时候,很想问个究竟,如果她不曾像他爱她一样爱他,至少他可以像对待普通朋友一样对待她,不再有所期待。In hotheaded whim, he would like to ask her for an ending, if she did not has had loved him as he loves her, he at least may treat her as a common friend, no more expectation in future.