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我喜欢成为通才的这种观念。I love the idea of being a generalist.

总统的职位是一个多面手做的。The presidency is a job for a generalist.

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在我看来,成为专家和通才都是必要的。In my opinion, it is necessary to become both specialist and generalist.

“灰鲸的食物来源非常多样化,”谢宁博士说。"Grey whales are very generalist in what they feed on," said Dr Scheinin.

有些大规模的生命科学交易来自于具有多重商业性质的公司。Some of the strongest life sciences deals may have come from generalist firms.

在“通才”基因方面的研究能够导致神经病学研究的极大进步。Studies on generalist genes could lead to important advances in neurological research.

如果现在这个时代能出全才,那便是应试教育的幸运和这个时代的不幸。If the present era, it is can a generalist education examination of the era of luck and misfortune.

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两个世纪以来,科学越来越专业化,OIST践行的理念再一次科学引回了通才之路。After two centuries of science becoming more and more specialised, the idea is to bring back the generalist.

此次调查还就专业类大学和综合类大学分别进行了排名。A new classification in the rankings differentiates between generalist universities and specialist institutions.

“通才教育”的思想到“通才教学”的实践,不可缺少的载体是“通才课程”。And generalist curriculum palys much more important role in the ideas for generalist education and its practice.

我发现最有效的办法是要避免一般杂志和未来主义专家所谈论的大趋势。The approach I find that works best is to avoid the generalist publications and futurist pundits who talk about big trends.

出无同工类之间的职业界线将变得越来越模糊,建建生也将逐步归归到本来的通才状况。The career bounds of types of work become more and more vague, meanwhile, architects will return to the former generalist step by step.

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其二,前文的斜体字句在欣赏书信,网志和成为一名博学者时给予我巨大的冲击。Secondly, that italicized sentence above gave me a huge rush of appreciation for the value of writing, blogging, and being a generalist.

而且这些你都能读得懂,因为此时的各个启蒙学科尚处于初期,并且相互联系紧密,通才皆可领会。And you may well understand what they are saying, because enlightenment disciplines are still young and connected enough for a generalist to grasp.

尽管与从事多种业务的公司或大的收购型公司相比,风险资本公司仍然表现欠佳,但进入这些公司的资金仍再度增多起来。The resurgence of money into venture capital firms has come in spite of their continued underperformance, compared with generalist or big buyout firms.

如果有人要说通才也可以算作一种专长的话,那些更为广泛而且而深入的研究领域,比如管理、工程、教育等等,也是有这样的技能要求的。While one could say being a generalist is the expertise, there are larger and more in-depth areas of study like Management, Engineering and Education that could claim the same thing.

大学的任何市场化改革,如果不打破院系壁垒,实行人文与专业相结合的通才教育,都会流产。Any market-based reform of the university, if dose not break the barrier of the institute department, implement the generalist education that humanity and specialty combine together, will miscarry.