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广西柳工没有透露其在美国市场的销售情况。Liugong doesn't disclose its U.S. sales.

花朵在春天显露其多姿多彩。In spring the flowers disclose their colours.

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本实用新型公开一种汇控柜。The utility model disclose a control cubicle.

这个记者拒绝透露消息的来源。The journalist refused to disclose her sources.

苹果并没有公开单店的销量。Apple doesn't disclose individual-store revenue.

司徒医生拒绝透露病人死因。Dr Szeto refused to disclose the cause of death.

他没有透露他的职级或部门的服务。He did not disclose his rank or branch of service.

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我拒绝透露这次会面的任何详情。I refuse to disclose any details of the encounter.

RGA和ING并未披露其它财务细节.RGA and ING did not disclose other financial details.

目前双方都没有向外透露有关会谈的消息。The two sides did not disclose the news of the talks.

中方能否透露访问的具体安排?Can you disclose the specific arrangements of the visit?

董建华将在施政报告中透露更多详情。Mr Tung will disclose more details in his policy address.

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苹果公司没有透露苹果电视销售情况和iAd广告的销售收入。Apple did NOT disclose Apple TV unit sales or iAd revenue.

但是中科院没有披露该项目的总预算。But CAS did not disclose the total budget for the project.

展示你的想法、经历、情感和梦想。Disclose your thoughts, experiences, feelings, and dreams.

首先,我必须说明,我是有倾向性的,我喜欢咖啡。First, I must disclose that I'm biased. I love my caffeine.

美为什么会在物理学中泄露芳容呢?Why is beauty able to disclose fragrant Rong in the physics?

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底特律GMAC公司并未公布具体金融条款。Detroit-based GMAC didn't disclose the terms of the financing.

政府拒绝透露告密者的姓名。The government refused to disclose the names of the informers.

这点我不能透露,不过,投资的回报让大家皆大欢喜。I can't disclose that, but can say we're happy with the return.