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睡眠和韧度设置。The sleep and tenacity settings.

显示出生命的顽强不屈。Shown unyielding tenacity of life.

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坚韧不拨就是它们突出特点之一。Tenacity is one quality that marks them out.

涂层具有良好的韧性和耐磨性能。The coating has good tenacity and wearability.

他具有成功商人所需的韧劲。He has the tenacity of a successful businessman.

但纯兔毛纱强力较小,可用涤丝包芯方式采加固。But the tenacity of pure rabbit hair yarn is low.

她的固执使她成为坚韧和果断。Her stubbornness led to tenacity and determination.

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他一直锲而不舍地研究古生物学。He has been studying palaeontology with great tenacity.

她的顽强和开拓精神依然鼓舞着人们!Her tenacity and trailblazing spirit continues to inspire!

我已经谈了毅力和短期成果之间的平衡。I talked already about tenacity versus short term results.

作为一个个体,玛利亚正是固执的诠释。As an individual, Maria is the very definition of tenacity.

对称排列式同步齿轮,高精度,高韧性。Symmetric, synchronous gear is high precision and tenacity.

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运动员在比赛中表现出坚韧的斗志。The athletes displayed great tenacity throughout the contest.

其内在的韧性是他们最大的资产之一。Their innate tenacity is one of their greatest assets, though.

它需要付出辛苦,需要坚持,有时还需要一个好的蒸汽熨斗。It takes commitment, tenacity and, for some, a great steam iron.

如此的犯罪手法来源于他的专注以及坚韧不拔。Such conviction stems from his keen focus and veracious tenacity.

我见过许多上医科预备课程的学生趣味索然地苦撑。I see many students taking pre-medical courses with joyless tenacity.

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对结核的斗争需要我们大家有不屈不挠的决心。The fight against TB demands the determination and tenacity of all of us.

在猪八戒的身上还表现出了超强韧劲的反抗精神。Zhu Bajie in the body also demonstrated a super tenacity rebellious spirit.

中国人民用智慧和勇气来面对这场灾难。And the Chinese people faced this disaster with resourcefulness and tenacity.