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这些症状之后就是共济失调。These signs are followed by ataxia.

该疾病自幼犬期发病并导致渐进性共济失调。It results in progressive ataxia beginning at a young age.

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目的观察丁螺环酮对改善脑卒中后共济失调症状的临床疗效。Objective To observe the effect of buspirone on ataxia symptom after stroke.

低血压可能发生,作为与冷漠和共济失调症状过量的迹象。Hypotension may occur as a symptom of overdose with signs of apathy and ataxia.

症状包括虚弱,共济失调和始发于后肢脚趾的行动不便。Symptoms such as weakness, ataxia , and dragging of the toes start in the rear legs.

结果茶叶和咖啡因能降低动物的共济失调率和翻正反射消失率。Results Tea and caffeine could cut down the rate of ataxia or righting reflex of mouse.

目的探讨针刺疗法治疗共济失调型脑瘫的疗效。ObjectiveTo investigate the efficacy of acupuncture in ataxia children with cerebral palsy.

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目的探讨共济失调毛细血管扩张症的细胞遗传学异常特点。Objective To investigate the characteristics of the cytogenetic anomalies of ataxia telangiectasia.

结论阿维菌素可以造成小脑内神经代谢酶活力改变而引起运动失调。Conclusion Avermectine may cause ataxia by disturbing the activity of nerve metabolism enzyme in rats.

方法对36例急性共济失调患儿的临床资料进行回顾性分析。Methods The clinical datas of 36 infant patients suffering from acute ataxia are analyzed retrospectively.

入院时,患者定向力正常,但表现出严重的构音障碍,左侧中枢性面瘫,共济失调步态。On admission, he was oriented, but had severe dysarthria, left-sided central facial palsy and gait ataxia.

患者系51岁女性,有呈急性进行性发展的认知损害和步态共济失调病史。The patient was a 51 year old woman with a history of rapidly progressive cognitive impairment and ataxia of gait.

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结果2例患者临床主要表现有头痛、头晕、恶心呕吐、复视、偏瘫、偏身感觉障碍及共济失调等症状。Results Main clinic features of the 2 patients were headache, dizziness, nausea, vomit, diplopia, hemiplegia, hemianesthesia and ataxia.

在129MV中,精神病表现经常伴随震颤麻痹,随后为运动失调和肌阵挛,而失语症罕见。In the 129MV subtypes, psychiatric signs were often associated with parkinsonism, followed by ataxia and myoclonus, whereas aphasia was rare.

作者描述了一例45岁男性渐进性的步态共济失调和手足感觉运动缺陷患者。The authors describe the case of a 45-year-old man with progressive gait ataxia and sensorimotor deficits of the upper and lower extremities.

由眼球震颤和步履运动失调无法区分中枢性或周边性之晕眩症,因此前下小脑动脉梗塞与周边前庭病变可产生临床相似的症状。Since nystagmus and gait ataxia do not distinguish between the central or peripheral causes of vertigo, AICA infarct could masquerade as peripheral vestibular lesions.

其中茶多酚的解酒、防醉效果比葛根素明显,而葛根素的纠正运动失调作用效果比茶多酚明显。Tea polyphenol's effect of antialcoholism and avoid be drunk better than puerarin, but puerarin the effect of corrects the ataxia function is more obvious than tea polyphenol.

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关于长期预后,应该考虑到患者可能被小脑性共济失调和脊髓病变而致的步态异常折腾得身心俱疲。The long-term prognosis should be guarded in the sense that patients can become very debilitated from the gait problems due to a combination of cerebellar ataxia and myelopathy.

回顾小脑性共济失调的研究历史、分类,介绍脊髓小脑共济失调的病因机制和治疗方法。The history of the research of cerebellar ataxia, and the different classifications of ataxia were reviewed. The pathogenesis and treatments of spinocerebellar ataxia were summarizd.

方法选取有共济失调症状的脑卒中患者30例口服丁螺环酮治疗,治疗前后分别用共济失调量表进行评定,与未服丁螺环酮的对照组30例进行比较。Methods 30 patients with ataxia after stroke were treated with buspirone, other 30 patients without buspirone as controls. Before and after treatment, they were assessed with ataxia-scale.