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所有的工作都完成了,你们可以休息了。All te ork done, you can ave a rest.

我可以在诺曼蒂大街让您下车。I can drop you off at normandie ave.

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我可以在第五大街让您下车。I can drop you off at the Fifth Ave.

由安全大巷往下走约100米。Come down Pingan Ave about 100 meters.

由平安大街往下走约100米。Come down Pingan Ave about 100 meters.

顺着平安大街走约100米。Come down Ping'an Ave about 100 meters.

移动到第15届圣夫角落与第10位。Move to the corner of 15th St. & 10th Ave.

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那就是平安大街,是条六线道。It will be Ping'an Ave. It's a 6-lane avenue.

您想看一下我们的样品间吗?Will you like toh ave a look at our showroom?

那就是平安大街,是条六线道。It will be Pingan Ave. It's a six-lane avenue.

像清晨在163路上那只从我身边跑过的鹿。Like the deer on 163rd Ave. running next to me.

电报通信公司12000波特兰大道。Telex Communications Inc. , 12000 Portland Ave.

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皮特好像设了狡猾的圈套要陷害你。Peter seems toh ave set a cunning tr ap for you.

坐往南开的A列车到自由大街站。Take the A train south to the Liberty Ave. stop.

如果其中的利害关系,超越使用麻省的路。I want to raise the stakes beyond using Mass. Ave.

南拳北麓17号,陆家嘴,近浦东大道。No. 17 North Nanquan Rd. , Lujiazui, near Pudong Ave.

你们有看到过强制式的敏捷实践的例子吗?ave you seen examples of mandated Agile implementation?

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去第一大街的牛女快餐店喝卡布其诺。Sip cappuccino at the Cowgirl Luncheonette on First Ave.

我到第12条大街520号的中国总领事馆。I am going to the Chinese Consulate General at 520, 12th Ave.

我走出屋外,迈着悠闲的步子沿着麦迪逊大街走着。I stepped outside and walked at a leisurely pace down Madison Ave.