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蜜蜂蛰过受害者后,不久就会死亡。Soon after stinging its victim, a honeybee will die.

略带灰色且性情安静的欧洲蜜蜂,繁殖率高。Grayish quiet-dispositioned highly productive european honeybee.

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“一只蜜蜂只有不到一英寸长”,多恩豪斯博士解释说。“A honeybee is less than an inch long, ” Dr. Dornhaus explained.

氟胺氰菊酯是一种用于蜜蜂的高效杀螨剂。The fluvalinate is one kind of high efficient acaricides for honeybee.

用来探测像蜜蜂飞行导向这类奥秘的x光照相术。X-ray photography used to fathom such mysteries as honeybee navigation.

蜜蜂一般都是近亲繁殖,以此确保下一代能具有一定的特性。Honeybee breeders often inbreed their bees in order to ensure desired traits.

为促进蜂蛹资源的开发利用,对蜂蛹的主要营养成分进行了研究。The main nutritional composition of honeybee pupae was studied in this paper.

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研究结果支持了工蜂调控蜜蜂性比的观点。The results supported viewpoint that honeybee sex ratio was determined by workers.

但在多恩豪斯博士位于德国农田间的研究场所,当她把一些蜂箱转动方向时,失去了合适舞台的蜜蜂侦察兵仍然在跳舞,舞姿却是随机的。Deprived of the appropriate stage, the honeybee scouts still danced, but it was random.

大约三分之一的美国农产品依靠蜜蜂授粉。An estimated one-third of American agricultural products depend on honeybee pollination.

蜜蜂性比是指蜂群中雌性蜜蜂与雄性蜜蜂的比例。The honeybee sex ratio means the proportion of female honeybee to male honeybee in colony.

通过人工授粉或花期放蜂传粉,亦可大大提高马褂木种子品质。Seed quality could be improved byartificial pollination of pollinating by released honeybee.

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蜕变后的蜜蜂第一次起飞时,它会立刻将难闻的“蛹便”丢弃。When a honeybee takes its first flight, it immediately releases its strong smelling meconium.

与更为老练的近亲蜜蜂不同,熊蜂不会指示食物的位置。The bumblebee, unlike its more sophisticated honeybee relatives, did not indicate the food’s location.

狼蛛毒液的毒性比蜜蜂的都弱,被它咬一口尽管很疼,但事实上对人体无害。Tarantula venom is weaker than that of a honeybee and, though painful, is virtually harmless to humans.

利用超声波技术对蜂蛹脂肪的提取工艺进行了研究,并对蜂蛹脂肪酸的成分进行了分析。The ultrasound extraction technology and composition analysis of honeybee pupa fat were studied in this test.

在番茄温室内,熊蜂和蜜蜂的授粉习性不同。Unlike honeybee Apis mellifera, bumblebee Bombus lucorum have different pollination behavior on greenhouse tomato.

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有关部门应当积极宣传和推广蜜蜂授粉农艺措施。The relevant departments shall proactively disseminate and promote the agronomic techniques of honeybee pollination.

在多个国家内的蜜蜂群体,包括美国,看起来最近几年都在显著下降。Honeybee populations in many countries, including the United States, appear to have declined markedly in recent years.

从鲨鱼特工到蜜蜂炸弹探测器,五角大楼资助的相关研究所招募的动物士兵足可以办个动物展览会了。From shark stealth-spies to honeybee bomb detectors, the Pentagon's funded research into a menagerie of animal recruits.