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艺术无非就是想象性的创造而已。Art is nothing but imaginative creation.

我感觉你是个感情丰富的男人。For me, you are an emotional and imaginative man.

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无疑,富于想象的你还能想起别的。Doubtless imaginative readers can think of others.

月宫为你提供了一个充满想象力的导航。Moon Palace offers a quite imaginative navigation.

捷克钻匠心独运装饰,鞋子熠熠生辉。Czech drilling imaginative decorations, shoes shine.

他谈到了一种精神和虚幻的状态。Eliot's speaking of a spiritual and imaginative state.

作者村上春树,他是一位充满想象力的作家。By Haruki Murakami. This guy is such an imaginative writer.

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想象竞合犯的本质是实质的一罪。The essence of the imaginative joinder offenses is one crime.

他们太一本正经,太学究气,想象力也不够丰富。They are too serious, too academic and not imaginative enough.

一天,一个更富有想象力,使用了若虫或飘带。And on a more imaginative day, the use of a nymph or a streamer.

一位优秀的经理应该灵活、注意细节并且富有想象力。A good manager should be flexible, detail-oriented and imaginative.

花哨的坎肩上配搭着一些光怪陆离的玻璃钮扣。It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons.

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戏剧将脱胎换骨,变得更为自由,更富想象力。Theatre will be reinvented and become much freer and more imaginative.

凯旋门在这个富有想象的城市里更显其浪漫。Arc de Triomphe and imaginative in the city even more of their romance.

但班加西以东的绿山,长期以来是利比亚人的寄情之地。But the Green Mountains have long held an imaginative appeal to Libyans.

想象力是柯氏浪漫主义诗歌理论的核心。The imaginative power is the core of Coleridge's romantic poetry theory.

到此为止,一切尚好,艺术仍然固守着它想象性的创造力的衣钵。So far so good, art still adheres to its legacy of imaginative creativity.

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葡萄牙态度食物很简单,传统的和富有想象力的。The Portugese attitude toward food is simple, traditional and imaginative.

这可以超越老式的信任,达到更富有想象力的改变。This can go beyond old-fashioned trust falls to more imaginative retreats.

使用这些玩具,使孩子们的游戏趋向于模仿而缺乏想像力。And with these toys, their play tends to be more imitative than imaginative.