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办身份证多花钱可以加急办。Handle id card floriferous money is OK and urgent do.

单瓣暗深紫色小花,每支花梗开5-8朵花,非常会开花。Single small dark purple, 5-8 per peduncle, very floriferous.

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所以我们要对目标用户人群多花点心累去研究。So we want floriferous to target user crowd mug-up tired go considering.

女孩子可以在发夹上多花心思,选择自己喜欢的别致发夹,装饰束发。The girl can be on hairpin floriferous idea, choose the chic hairpin that oneself like, decorate hairdo.

所以,咱们宁肯多花一点钱买操作时候更长的进口仪器。So, we would rather a bit more floriferous money buys the entrance instrument with operation longer time.

只要你多花点心思,不用大费周折也能拥有一个凉爽无比的夏日。Want you only floriferous dot idea, need not expend setbacks to also can have a cool and clinking summer greatly.

跨考的同学建议把时间多花在数学和专业课上。Cross the classmate that take an examination of to suggest a time is floriferous go up in maths and professional class.

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再次,许多花草,非凡是名花异草,都会散发出浓郁奇香。Again, make floriferous grass, especially the name spends different grass, can send out piece full-bodied strange sweet.

快月底啦,各位有票的赶紧投票啊,手上有花的亲就帮忙砸花啊!Is rapid the end of the month, everybody has a stamp of hurry referendum, floriferous above the hand kiss aid to hit flower!

我们多花心思在管理项目上,是现在这个时期比较好的策略,以退为进。We are floriferous idea is managing a project to go up, it is now the strategy with this better period, retreat in order to advance.

例如一些纯装饰的材料,往往会让人在不知不觉中多花上千元。The exemple is some more consistent pure illuminative material, often can let a person be in imperceptible in floriferous on 1000 yuan.

所以购买时,要多留意所使用的五金功能件的品牌,即使多花一些钱也是值得的。When be being bought so, the hardware function that should use alertly more brand, although a few more floriferous money also is worthiness.

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消费者如确定购置进口产品,应看清产地与质量,以免多花钱却达不到应有效果。If consumer purchases entrance product certainly, should see clear producing area and quality, lest floriferous Qianqueda is less than, answer effective fruit.

尤其是那些耐晒、抗寒、四季有花的植物,最宜在阳台栽植盆中摆放。Especially those are able to bear or endure bask in, fight plant of floriferous of cold, the four seasons, most appropriate is in the balcony is put in cultivated basin.

企业客户并不像个人用户那么在意价格,只要你能给我带来生意,多花点钱也是值得。Business client does not resemble individual user so care about the price, want you to be able to bring the business to me only, floriferous dot money also is worth while.

因此,主人尽可以多花些工夫装饰玄关,能起到花钱不多、事半功倍的理想效果。Accordingly, host is used up OK and some more floriferous time decorates porch, can have the ideal effect of beautiful Qianbuduo, get twice the result with half the effort.

除有花数目与纬度不相关,紫椴各器官形态特征与纬度呈现显著相关。The morphological characteristics and elevation presented remarkable relativity between each organ of Tilia amurensis except that floriferous number was irrelevant with elevation.

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消费者片面追求名贵材种,不但多花了钱,也给一些不法商家制造了以次充好、非法获利的机会。Consumer goes after rare material one-sidedly to plant, not only floriferous money, also created the opportunity that gains profit shoddily , illegally to a few illegal businessmen.

同属观赏种有多花向日葵中的金色洛唐重瓣种,还有小向日葵和千瓣葵。Congeneric view and admire kind of aureate Luo Tang in having floriferous helianthus to weigh valve to plant, still have small helianthus and 1000 valve certain herbaceous plants with big flowers.

这也促使越来越多的消费者在选购地板时,即使多花一些钱也要买知名品牌,因为品牌是质量和信誉的象征。This also makes more and more consumer be when floor of choose and buy, although a few more floriferous money also should buy famous brand, because of the brand be quality and credit is indicative.