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一只黄蜂凶猛地向我冲来。A yellow-jacket rushed forcefully in my way.

乔把钢琴用力推到乐池中。Joe pushed forcefully the piano into the orchestra pit.

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以色列甚至使用强制性地手段使谢克尔贬值。Israel has intervened even more forcefully to weaken the shekel.

本次赛事的举行,将有力地推动与促进木兰拳的发展。And this event will forcefully promote the development of karate.

通过左鼻孔呼气,立即用力吸气。Exhale through the left nostril and immediately inhale forcefully.

除此之外,它们的腹部也是猛击对手的有力武器。They can also flick their abdomens to forcefully whack another male.

结构重组是很有前景的,我们的目标就是要大力进行结构重组。We aim to carry through forcefully with forward-looking structural reforms.

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不过,研究他们的意见,有力地推动了下地面。But the study of their observations had been forcefully driven under-ground.

它应该被所有那些想看到一个冲突终结的人所坚决反对。It should be forcefully opposed by all those who want to see this conflict end.

这就是为什么我们必须强制性地中止这些项目,为了保护村民。This is why we have to forcefully stop these projects, to protect the villagers.

通过鼻子来深吸一口气,然后保持,然后有控制的缓慢呼气。Take a deep breath through your nose, hold it, and let it out slowly and forcefully.

小心不要用力吹入空气,那会伤害到你的伴侣。Be careful not to forcefully blow in air as you can cause your partner to get chocked.

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如果他们的动作不够积极,那么监管者还是要更加强势地介入的。If they do not move fast enough, regulators may yet have to intervene more forcefully.

电子科学技术革命其实必行,追赶国际潮水。Electronic technology revolution is forcefully and goes after the international trends.

他的戏剧基本功不错,喷口有力、吐字清晰。He has pretty good basic opera skills, he articulates forcefully and pronounces clearly.

但是,Durbin先生也指出,一些共和党人士面对暴力时语气强硬。But Mr.Durbin also noted that some Republicans had spoken out forcefully against violence.

在提问阶段更有力地提出了腐败是一条双行道的问题。That corruption is a two-way street came up more forcefully in the question-answer session.

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尽管如此,在像乌干达和刚果民主共和国这样的国家,武装集团仍然在强行征募儿童。Even so, armed groups still forcefully recruit children in countries like Uganda and the DRC.

由美国极力推崇的当代艺术强行占据主流地位。The contemporary art esteems vigorously which by US occupies the mainstream status forcefully.

而对于那些异见分子则通过严苛的劳动营和拘留所组成的系统进行控制。A grim system of labor camps and detention facilities is used to forcefully control any dissent.