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通过直接和间接检眼镜观察即可作出诊断。Diagnosis is made by direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy.

更加复杂的工具还有扫描激光检眼镜。For more complicated procedures, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy is available.

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检眼镜检查法提供直接观察血管的唯一机会。Ophthalmoscopy affords the only opportunity for direct visualization of blood vessels.

所有患者手术前常规行裂隙灯显微镜、检眼镜及A或B型超声检查等检查。All the patients were examined by routine slitlamp microscopy, ophthalmoscopy as well as A- or B-scan ultrasonography.

一个月后,右眼玻璃体出血减少,眼底检查发现一白色,突起之视网膜肿瘤,侵犯下方视神经盘。One month later, the vitreous hemorrhage decreased, and ophthalmoscopy examination revealed a white, elevated, retinal tumor involving the inferior optic disc.

例如,红外广角地平仪中的锗透镜、眼科诊断用的间接眼底镜、变焦照相机镜头、刻录机光头等都是小型的非球面元件。E. g. the Ge lens used in planar wide-angle altazimuth, indirect ophthalmoscopy lens in ophthalmic diagnosis, Zoom lens of camera, all were minor aspheric component.

我们只要对这种疾病存有警觉性,并藉著详尽的眼底检查及超音波扫描,通常可有正确的诊断。The alert of the disease combined with careful examination of indirect ophthalmoscopy and the aid of B-scan ultrasonography will achieve the correct diagnosis of the disease.

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在此病患中,眼球后的血管可以直接单独经由间接眼底镜的检查而观察到,不必透过眼底萤光或循血绿血管摄影的协助。In this patient, ready visibility of the retrobulbar blood vessels was made by performing ophthalmoscopy alone, without the aid of either fluorescein or indocyanine green angiography.

在对国内外科技和市场调研的基础上,考虑到国内非球面眼底镜开发的必要性,我们对非球面眼底镜设计检验和加工进行了研究。We noticed that it is necessary to research and exploit the aspheric ophthalmoscopy lenses. The design, test and making of the aspheric ophthalmoscopy lenses were studied in the paper.

给这样的相片划分等级需要专业的计算机程序和有经验的技师——在临床实践中使用直接的眼底镜检查无法准确的评估视网膜血管的直径。Specialised computer programs and experienced technicians are needed to grade the images—retinal vessel calibre cannot be reliably estimated in clinical practice using direct ophthalmoscopy.