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她会再来一次“青春期”。She goes through adolescence twice.

是的,青春期是一个不好过的时期。Yes, adolescence can be a trying time.

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青春期和从错误中受教育Adolescence and mistake-based education.

没人想再一次经历青春期。No one wants to go through adolescence again.

这样饮食有助青春期发育?。Development of such dietary conduce adolescence?

“在我看来,青春期是一种交易,”伯根说。I see adolescence as a trade-off, " Bogin says."

研究者称20多岁是延长的青春期。Researchers call the 20s an extended adolescence.

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这很显然正是发生在青春期的情况。Which, apparently, is what happens in adolescence.

孩子在青春期所获得的教育,大部分都是从错误中学到的。Much education in adolescence is learning from mistakes.

这在你的“后青春时期”里是一段非常难熬的日子。This is one of the tough times of your adult adolescence.

青春期给善于思考的多里安带来的是痛苦。Adolescence is proving a pain for the always-thinking Dorian.

青春期是从少年到成年的过渡期。Adolescence is the process of going from childhood to maturity.

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青春期特有的不同之处是愤怒背后的“奋斗”。The difference in adolescence is the struggle behind the anger.

进入大学,是发生在青年期的一次重要转折。To enter into a university is an important thing in adolescence.

爱美之心人皆有之,更何况是正处在青春期呢。Heart of beauty in everyone, not to mention it is in adolescence.

但是正如你将看到的,大多数的狂欢者都过了他们的青春期。But as you'll see, most of the revelers are way beyond their adolescence.

在他们40岁的时候经历一次围绝经期的“第二次青春期”。They go through a "second adolescence" called perimenopause in their 40s.

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有些大人把青春期视为摩擦期、改变期和问题期。Some adults view adolescence as a period of friction, change and problems.

女人会在40多岁更年期的时候经历一次“二度青春期”。Women go through a "second adolescence" called perimenopause in their 40s.

双相情感障碍主要在青少年晚期或成年早期发病,也有一些在老年期发病。Bipolar disorder typically develops in late adolescence or early adulthood.